The Financial Committee of the Austrian Reichsrath have resolved to
insist on large reductions, and have signified their resolve to_the Emperor. They affirm that the incessant deficits of the past few years constitute a political danger, and that if re- ductions are not allowed they will not pass the budget. It is said that the departments are awed by the determination of the Com- mittee, but that the Military Chancellerie of the Emperor resists the proposal, affirming that the army neither will nor can give tip the 1,500,000/. demanded. All this while it appears that the Prussian Government has fought a campaign without a loan and without incurring a deficit, and that the budget for 1865 shows a perfect equilibrium, the expenditure and receipts being equally 150,000,000 thalers. This new pressure will, we trust, reduce the Emperor to accept the English treaty offered by Mr. Beaumont, which, if it gives him nothing else, will give him at all events revenue. A low tariff would sweep away his main difficulty at -once.