21 JANUARY 1865, Page 2

The King of Prussia opened the Chambers on the 14th

inst. in a long speech, in which he alluded to the campaign against Den- mark as "a debt of honour of which he had succeeded in acquitting himself." It was after the experience of the war "more than ever his duty to maintain the existing organization of the army," and he should " expect " the assistance of Parliament in performing it. The Beet must be augmented, the war would not require a loan, the budget would show an equilibrium, and the State would assist in the expense of the canal between the Baltic and the North Sea ; indeed, the peace with Denmark "has given to the Duchies the possibility of taking an active part in our national life," and to maintain his legitimate claims he had referred the Prussian right to the succession of the Duchies to legal advisers. Their report would assist him in coming to an "understanding with his illustrious ally." It was his earnest wish to reconcile the differences between his Government and the Chamber of Deputies, but "a good understanding with the representatives could only be secured by the maintenance of the organization of the army."