On the 10th of January, at Wentworth Woodhouse, the Countess Fitzwilliam, of a son.
On the 10th, at Wiekwar Rectory, Gloucestershire, Lady Georgina H. L. Oakley, of a daughter. On the 13th, at the Hotel du Louvre, •Boulogne-sur-Mer, the Lady Isabella Freme, of a daughter. On the 13th, at Oxton, Notts, the Wife of John Chaworth Musters, Esq., of An- nesley Park, and Colwick Hall, of a son and heir. On the 15th, at 8, Great Cumberland Street, the Hon. Mrs, Frederick Chichester, of a daughter. On the 16th, at Wollaston House, Northamptonshire, the Wife of Mowbray Morris, Esq., of a daughter.
On the 20th of December, at Christ Church, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, U.S., Walter Kane, C.E., formerly of the City of London, now of Pennsylvania, U.S., to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Hon. Judge Wm. Jack, of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. On the 5th of January, at the old parish church, Brighton, the Rev. Lewis H. Hogg, M.A., curate of Torwood, Torquay, to Juliana Anne Harriett, eldest daughter of the late Colonel and the Hon. Mrs. Saunderson, of Castle Saunderson, Cavan.
On the 11th, at St. Mary's-in-the-Castle, Hastings, George Lambrick, Esq., Captain Royal Marine Light Infantry, Knight of San Fernando, to Matilda Anne Elizabeth, eldest daughter of General Menzies, K.II., K.C., Third Royal Marine Li„olit Infantry, late Aide-de-Camp to her Majesty. On the 12th, at the Subdeanery Church, Chichester, by the Lord Bishop of Chichester, father of the bride, the Rev. George Casson, M.A., Rector of Wold, Northamptonshire, to Frances Hutton Long Gilbert, third daughter of the Bishop of Chichester.
On the 12th, at Christ Church, Highbury Hill, Thomas Sidney, Esq., of Bowes Manor, Southgate, Middlesex, Alderman of London, and formerly M.P. for Staf- ford, to Eleanor Mary Ward, late of Beaumont Chase, Uppingham, eldest daughter of W. Ward, Esq.
On the 2d of January, at Malvern, Vice-Admiral George E. Watts, C.B., in the seventy-fifth year of his age.
On the 6th, at Kingstown, near Dublin, in the seventy-fifth year of her age, Elizabeth, Widow of the late Brigadier General Crofton Vandeleur, formerly of her Majesty's Forty-sixth Regiment.
On the 10th, the Viscount Arbuthnot. On the 10th, at his seat. Hazelbank, near Edinburgh, Lieutenant-General Chess- borough Grant Falconer, K.H., Colonel of the Seventy-third Foot. On the 10th, at Miss Scion's, The Priory, Bradford-on-Avon, aged thirty-three, Harriett, eldest surviving daughter of the late Sir David Erskine, Bart., of Cambs House, Fifeshire, and Pwyllycrochon, Denbighshire. On the 10th, at Castramont, Gatehouse, N.B., in his eightieth year, the lion. Mongtomery Stewart, fourth and last surviving son of John seventh Earl of Gal- loway. On the 11th, at her residence, Lower Kensington Gore, Amelia, relict of the late Sir Robert Shaw, Bart. On the 12th, at Brighton, in her thirty-fifth year, Sarah Lavender, Wife of John Brady, Esq., H.P.
On the 15th, at No. 5, 31 inen a Place, Hatcham, S.E., Ann Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Maudlin, Lowe, Esq., of the Royal Academy, Gold Medallist, and goddaughter of the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D., aged eighty-two.