21 JANUARY 1837, Page 10

At a public meeting of the Reformers of Newcastle, assembled

to se- lect a candidate to oppose Mr. HODGSON HINDE at the next election, it was unanimously resolved that Mr. WARD should be invited. It would

be impossible to point out a gentleman better qualified for the represen- tation of Newcastle, or of any large and thoroughlyLiberal constituency, than Mr. WARD. In the first place, he is a man who keeps pace with the progress of public opinion. His present politics mark him HS a Ra- dical of the DURHAM school—the advocate of Triennial Parliaments, Household Suffrage, and Vote by Ballot ; but should the voice of the country demand a still further progress in a Liberal direction, Mr. WARD is not the man to shrink from a movement in advance. Secondly, with extensive practical knowledge, Mr. WARD combines the power and habit of application. He is not a holyday Member of Par- liament, who thinks that his duty to his constituents is satis- fied by an occasional set speech. But when work is to be done, in Committees or in the House, Mr. WARD is one of the vet)? few Members who can be relied upon for persevering labour. He has, moreover, the rare qualification of firmness to resist the blandish- ments of intimate friends in office. Thirdly, by electing Mr. WARD, the Reformers of Newcastle will give the best contradiction in their power to the calumny that they are indifferent to the fate of Ireland, and would see her trampled upon by the Tories without raising a hand in her defence. Mr. WARD may be called the very impersonation of the principle on which the Liberals are resolved to regulate their Irish policy in future—that policy being to do justice to Ireland. Should the Newcastle Reformers, through mis- management or want of exertion, fail to return Mr. WARD, theft in- deed they will find it difficult to wipe off the stigma which now rests upon them—loosely, as we have always maintained against O'CONNELL, for we never thought that the Irish question was fairly fought or put in issue at the last Newcastle election ; but it will be if Mr. WARD contest the seat with the Tories, and we have no fear of the issue.