21 FEBRUARY 1931, Page 3

The Recognition of Osteopaths Manipulative surgery is an established profession

in many parts of the world, and it is becoming increasingly Popular in this country. A Bill is now before Parliament to give osteopaths, that is . specialists in adjustments in the human skeleton, a legal status similar to that of doctors. In our opinion this Bill should not only pass, but should be made wider in its scope, in order to embrace those allied specialists who call themselves chiropractors ; these latter concentrate on the spine, and hold that the majority of diseases are due to maladjustments of the vertebrae causing pressure on various nerves. Certain it is that both osteopaths and chiropractors have done good to many patients, and that an increasing number of orthodox doctors send their patients to them. In Canada, and in forty-seven of the forty-nine States of the American Union, osteopaths are recognized ; the sooner their status is legalized in this country the better for the public, the medical profession, and the osteopaths and chiro- practors themselves, who naturally do not wish unquali- fied persons to intrude into what has become an important branch of the art of healing.