MONDAY, February 1G.—Catholic Maims—Petitions against, presented by the Earl of Eldon, from Coningsburgh in Yorkshire, from several parishes in Cardigan, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, ,Essex, and Hants, in all thirteen petitions ; by the Bishop of Bath and Wells, from Bath and eight other places ; by Lord Colches- ter from the Archbishop and clergy of Dublin,—which led to a short conversation bet'ween the Duke of Wellington, Lord Eldon, and Lord Holland. Petitions in favour of the Catholics, presented by the Marquis of Anglesey, from the Roman Catholics of Robertstown and eighteen other places ; and by Lord Clifden from Alalahide and eight other places. Irish Sublettina.b and Vestry Acts—Petitions against, presented by the Marquis of Anglesey. Bunk of England —Papers laid on the table. Assessed Tax Acts—Copies of cases decided by the Judges under these acts laid on the table. Adjourned at half-past six. TUESDAY, February 17.—Catholic Claims—Petitions against, presented by Earl Talbot, from Blythlield, Biddulph, and two other places in Staffordshire ; by the Bishop of Exeter, from the clergy of Totness and Exeter ; by tRe Bishop of Durham, from South Shields, and the clergy of Hereford ; by the Bishop of St. David's, from a parish in Berks ; by Lord Lorton and the Marquis of Thummond, from several parishes in Ireland; by Earl Beauchamp, from the county and city of Worcester, and from Bewdley ; by the Earl of Falmouth, from Truro and another place in Cornwall; by Earl Powis, from Bridgnorth ; by the Bishop of London, from Peter- borough ; by the Duke of Newcastle from several places, and from an individual in Shrewsbury. Petitions in favour of the Catholics, presented by Earl Fitzwilliam, from ten places in Ireland; and by Earl Darnley, from Killskear and other places in Ireland. Dangerous Associations Bill—Brought up from the Commons by Sir Alexander Grant ; read a first time, on the motion of the Duke of Wellington ; to be read a second time on Thursday. Adjourned at half-past six. WEnxesDAY, February 15—Bank Notes—A return laid on the table of all notes in circulation under 5/. Private Bills—It was ordered that no petition should be received on any private bill after the 25th March ; and that after the 29th April, no report should be received from the Judges. Catholic Claims—Petitions presented against, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, from the clergy of the dioceses of Toast and Clonfert ; by the Duke of Richmond, from the parochial clergy of Colchester ; by Lord Bexley, from Norwich ; by the Earl of Longford from two parishes in Ire- land; by the Earl of Mountcashel, from Cork ; and in the absence of the Chancellor of the University of Oxford, the Earl of Clare presented the petition from that Uni- versity, to the prayer of which however neither the Chancellor nor himself assented. Adjourned at half past live.
THURSDAY, February 19. Mid Lothian and Fife Ferries—Account of income 'and expenditure laid on the table. Pensions—Account of the pensions granted by the East India Company laid on the table. Punishment of Smugglers—Petition against the present manner of punishing smugglers presented by the Duke of Rich- mond. Catholic Maims—Petitions against, presented by the Earl of Eldon, from Denbighshire, and other counties, in all sixteen petitions ; by the Bishop of Exeter, from Pembury ; by Lord Verulam, from a place in Ireland; by Lords Lorton and Longford, from places in Leitrim, Sligo and Donegal ; and by the Duke of New- castle, from an individual. Petitions in favour of the Catholics, presented by Lord Teynham, from a place in Ireland ; by the Earl of Limerick, from three places in Ireland ; by the Marquis of Bute, from severalplaces in Wexford; by Lord Plunkett, Irons three places in Ireland ; by Lord Clifdeu, from eight places in Wexford and Kilkenny ; by the Marquis of Anglesey, from seven places in Ireland; by the Duke of Devonshire, from four places in Ireland ; by the Alarquis of Lansdown, from Protestant Dissenters at Hackney; by the Earl of Darnley, from Rathmore and se- veral other places; and by the Duke of Sussex, from the city of Bristol. A conver- sation arose on this petition, between the Duke of Sussex, the Bishop of Bristol, the Duke of Cumberland, Earl Grey, Lord Eldon, Lord Plunkett, Lord Redesdale, the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Richmond, and Lord Holiabd. Dangerous Asso- ciations Bill—Read a second time, on the motion of the Duke of Wellington. Other speakers—the Marquis of Clauricarde, the Earl of Longford, Lord Teyn ham, and the Earl of Guildford. Anatomy—Petition from the surgeons of York for a better supply of subjects for dissection, presented by the Marquis of Lansdowl, Adjourned at nine. EarnAP, February 20.—Cheisea Hospital--Annual accounts presented. Registry Office, Scotland—Report of the Commissionets of Inquiry presented. Scotch Law of Entail—Petitions for an alteration in, presented by the Earl of Dalhousie, from In- verness ; and also a petition for an alteration in the Excise-laws. Dangerous Asso- ciations Bill—Went through a committee ; one verbal amendment made ; report on Monday. Irish Representative Peer—Committee on Lord Dunally's election post- poned from Monday till Wednesday. Catholic Claims—Petitions against the Catho- lics, presented by the Earl of Falmouth, from three parishes in Cornwall, and from Welford in Bucks ; and by the Earl of Longford, from the inhabi- tants of Limerick. Petitions in favour of the Catholics, presented by the Marquis of Sligo, from four places in the county of Mayo ; by Lord King, from a parish in Kilkenny ; by the Earl of Carlisle, from a parish in Galway ; by the Marquis of Downshire, from an Alderman in Limerick, who after forty years' opposition to the Catholics had changed his mind ; from Lockisland, Lochell, and Dunally, and from two other places in Ireland; by Lord Holland, from the Dissent- ing Ministers of the Three Denominations in London, and eleven from the Dissenters at Nottingham, Liverpool. Toxteth, Crediton, Wareham, Northampton, Framling- ton, and Stockton, and also three petitions from places in Ireland, and one from the Corporation of Nottingham ; by the Earl of Gosport, eight petitions from the Catholics of three parishes in Armagh and Cavan. Subletting Act—Seven petitions against, presented by the Earl of Gosport. Adjourned at six, to Monday.
MonnAv, February IG.—Sir George Cockburn and another member took their seats. London Bridge—Petition for leave to bring in a bill to amend the existing Act, presented by the Sheriffs. Smithfield Market—Petition for leave to improve, also presented by the Sheriffs. Assessed Tares —Returns laid on the table. Court of Chamery—Returus of the amount of effects belonging to suitors in the Court, laid on the table. Southwark Market—Petitions from the inhabitants of St. Saviours for leave to erect a market in that parish. Affairs of Portugal—Sir James Mackintosh postpones his nthtion till the 26th March. Catholic MIMS—Petitions against, presented by the Marquis of Chandos, from the town and three hundreds of Buckingham, Luggershall, Jakthorpe, Stone, and Hartwell, Olney, Wolverton, Stoney Stratford, Wenchwer, Aylesbury, and seventy-nine other places in Bucking- hamshire ; by Colonel Sibthorpe, from a parish in the county of Lincoln ; by Mr. Shirley, from three parishes in Monaghan ; by Sir Harland Hill, from the county of Salop ; by Mr. Egerton, from Lyme, in Cheshire; by Sir E. Knatchbull, from the archdeacon and clergy of Canterbury ; by Mr. Moore, from Musketry and Rochestown, and a number of other places in Ireland ; by Mr. H. Maxwell, from Ennisearthy, and other places in Leinster ; by Mr. Macleod, from three Parishes in Sudbury; by Mr. F. West, from two parishes in Denbigh ; by Mr. Hart Davis, from two places in the City of Bristol ; by Admiral Sotheron, from eight places is the county of Nottingham ; by Mr Palmer, from the clergy of the Archdeaconry of Berkshire, from the town of Wallingford, and from two parishes in Berk- shire ; by Mr. Ashurst, from the Archdeacoury of Oxfordshire, from Witney, and from a parish in Oxfordshire ; by Sir H. Hardinge, from Stainton ; and by Lord Uxbridge, from Anglesey, Holyhead, and two other districts iu Wales. Pe- titions in favour of the Catholics, presented by Lord W. Fitzgerald, from Naas ; by Sir John Newport, from two places in Waterford ; by Mr. Spring Rice, from three places in Limerick ; by Mr. Sykes, from Kingston.upon-Hull ; by Lord Ennismore, from two parishes in the county of Kerry ; by Lord Bective, from se- veral parishes in Meath and Westmeath; by Lord Nugent, from iYurm, Shepton- Mallet, Kiddington, and Great Thorpe ; his Lordship also presented the joint pe. tion from Roman Catholics and Protestants, andthe petition of the Roman Catholics of Great Britain, signed by eight peers, sixteen baronets, and eighteen thousand other persons. Call of the House—The Marquis of Chandos gave notice for Tues- day, that he is to move that the House should be called over on the 5th of March. Irish Vestry and Subletting Acts—Petitions against, presented by Lord Bective. Cigars, Tobacco, and Stu/I—Returns of the quantities imported, ordered on the motion of the Lord Mayor of London. Foreign Silks—Returns of the quantities imported last year, ordered on the motion of Mr. Tyler. Army Estimates—Notice given by Sir H. Hardinge, that he should move their consideration on Friday. Committee of Supply—Report brought up and agreed to. Dangerous Associations Bill—Report brought up ; amendments agreed to, and the bill ordered to be read a third time on Tuesday. Adjourned at eight o'cffick.
TuasnAr, February 17—Catholic Claims—Petitions against, presented by Colonel Powell, from Aberystwith, and eleven other places in Cardiganshire ; by Mr. Curteis, from Clayton Clever, in Sussex ; by Mr. Cartwright, from the Archdeacon of North- ampton and the clergy of the diocese of Peterborough; by Lord Mandeville, from Lathgall, Tandvagee, and Murket-hill, in Ireland ; by Admiral Harvey, from Saf- fron Weldon ; by Admiral Evans, from Dunmanrig and Cloyne ; by Mr. Henry Maxwell, from Pettygall, Ballingally, and Tinsakeley ; by Mr. Secretary Peel, from the Archbishop and Clergy of Team, from the Ministers and Elders of the Welsh Calvinistic Baptists of the Isle of Anglesey, from Badin, from the Burgher Presby- terians of Stirling, from the Presbytery of Glasgow, from Harlestes, from the Cal- vinistic Presbyterians of Denbeigh, from some parishes in Flintshire, from Roch- dale, Cheedle, Chiel, Stoke, and various other towns in the Potteries, &c. in Stafford- shire ; and by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, from the Dean and Chapter of Pe- terborough, and from a place in Armagh. Petitions in favour of the Catholics, pre- sented by Sir Charles Coote, from Rothsellau, Slack, and Rathdowne; by Sir Henry Parnell, from Ballyrowan ; by Mr. Tuite, from Wallinger, and Ballyleigh ; by Lord Sefton, from the Ancient Chapel of Dissenters in Foxeth, Lancashire; by Lord Morpeth, from Freshforth, and Castletarra ; by Mr. Jephson, from Killarney and Agliadoe ; and by Lord Bective, from Duusany, Clonmellow, Rathcane, Kells, Kilbeg. and Old Castle. Colonel Peel gave notice that he meant to present the Nor- wich petition on Friday. Irish Vestry and Subletting Acts—Petitions against, pre- sented by Sir Charles Coote, from Rothsellan, Slack, and Rathdowne ; by Lord Morpeth, from Freshforth and Castletarra ; and by Lord Bective, from six parishes. Licensed Maltsters—Return of the number of convictions under the Excise-laws or- dered, on the motion of Mr. Wodehouse. Ordnance Estimates—Account of the estimates and expenses laid on the table by Mr. Percival. Poor-laws—Mr. Slaney to move, on Tuesday, for leave to bring in a bill relative to the employment of able- bodied men out of the poor-rates ; and on his motion, various papers connected with the administration of the pour-laws were ordered. Pilchard Fishery—Petition pre- sented by Mr. Eden, from Fowey, praying for a continuance of the bounty on expor- tation. Copper and Lead—Returns of the quantities imported and exported at Lon- don and Liverpool last year, and also of the quantities of tin and lead ore, ordered on the motion of Mr. Pendarvis. Hayti—Papers connected with this republic laid on the table, by Mr. Peel, in obedience to his Majesty's command. Dangerous As- sociations Bill—The third reading moved by Dlr. Peel. A conversation took place between General Gascoigne, Mr. Peel, Mr. Moore, the Marquis of Chandos, Mr. 1). W. Harvey, and Sir H. Heron ; but nothing was said in opposition to the motion, and the bill was passed and sent to the Lords. Turnpike Trusts—Mr. Littleton withdrew his motion on this subject, and left it to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, as they were both agreed upon the point. Parochial Settlements—Leave given to Mr. Alm:queen to bring in a bill to amend the existing laws. Game Laws—Mr. Wortley obtained leave to bring in a bill to amend the game laws ; to be in substauce the same as his measure of last year. Irish Insolvent Debtors—Leave given to Lord F. Gower to bring in a bill to amend the existing laws. Returns on this subject or- tiered, on the motion of Mr. Hume. Call of the House—It was ordered, on the mo- tion of the Marquis of Chandos, that the House be called over on the 5th of March, if the bill for the relief of the Roman Catholics is introduced on that day. Prayers for the King—Petition presented by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, from an in- dividual, praying the House to pass a bill obliging all congregations to offer up pray- ers for the King. Adjourned at six.
WEDNESDAY, February 18.—Catholic Claims—Petitions against, presented by Mr. Cory, from the Protestants of Tyrone and Donougianore ; by Mr. Fane, from Theme, in Oxfordshire ; by Mr. Handeock, from Athlone and Moat ; by General King, from the Protestants of Kilmore ; by Mr. G. Moore, from the Protestants of Rathdrum, Rathdowne, Powerscoert, Kilpipe, Delgany, Newcastle, Bray, the Parish of Arklow and the Town of Arklow, the Parish of Wicklow and Glaneely, the Parishes of Trebawn, Talbotstown, Dungenstown. Castledawn, and Dunnaglossary ; by Colonel Rochfort, from a parish in Westmeath ; by Sir Horace St. Paul, from Clifton, in Staffordshire ; by Sir John Beckett, from Haslemere ; by Mr. Malcolm, from the Mayor and Aldermen of Boston ; by Mr. Henry Maxwell, from King's Court in the County of Cavan, and from Carrick on Shannon, Drum- shamboo, the parish and town of Leitrim, Kiltaggart, and Kilconbra; by Mr. Bankes, from Stackland, in Gloucestershire, and Brinton, in Somersetshire; and by Mr. Lockhart, from St. Mark's, Oxford. Petitions in favour of the Catho- lics, presented by Mr. Birch, from the Mayor and Corporation of Nottingham ; and from the Protestant Dissenters of Nottingham ; by Mr. James Brown, from two parishes in Mayo ; by Mr. Fitzgibbon, from Kilmallock ; and two other places in Limerick; and by Mr. Lietu'y White, from Binglas, 'WSW, and a Palish in Dub` lin. Number of Petition—Mr. Augustus O'Neill gave notice, that ou Monday he should move for a return of the number of petitions for and against concessions ; with the names of the places and number of signatures, Navy Estimalcs—Lakl on the table; to be considered on Friday. Dublin Water Rates—A return ordered, on the motion of Mr. Grattan. Courts of Requests—A return of the number of these courts in England laid on the table. Public Charities—Report of the Commissioners laid on the table. Poor Laws—Mr. Macqueen's bill for amending the laws, by con- ferring a speedier settlement by service, brought in, read a first time, and to be read a second time on Monday. Ways and Means—The House went into a Committee, when various sums were voted. Insolvent Debtors—Lord F. L. Gower moved a re- solution for defraying the expenses of the Irish Insolvent Court out of the consoli- dated fund; which was carried, and the report ordered on Thursday. Adjourned at five.
THURSDAY, February 19.—Aldeburgh—A new writ was ordered for this borough. Witham Navigation—Petition presented by Colonel Sibthorpe for leave to amend the present bill. Lincoln's Ion Poor Rates—Petition from the Benehers, presented by the Solicitor-General, for a bill to regulate the amount of poor-rates to be paid by the Society. Criminal Convictions—An address to his Majesty moved by Mr. W. Peel for a return of the number of convictions in England. Catholic Claims— Petitions against, presented by Admiral Sotheron, from fourteen places in Northampton and Somersetshire ; by Colonel Peel, from Norwich, and from some of the parishes in that city ; by Mr. Brougham, from John Joseph Stockdale, book- seller; by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, from the Bishop andclergy of Dromone; and by Colonel Lygon, from the county and city of Worcester, and from Bewdley and Astley. Petitions in favour of the Catholics, by Mr. Curteis, from Battle; by Lord Ebrington, from the Dissenters of Crediton, and the Inhabitants of Bucklers- heath ; and by Mr. Brougham, from Bristol, Kirby-Kendal, the Dissenters of South Shields, and from a parish in Ireland. Subletting and Vestry Acts—Lord Bective presented three petitions from Ireland against these Acts. Financial Accounts— On the motion of Mr. Moberly, accounts were ordered of the nominal sums received on the loans since 1792. Law Commissioners—Mr. Secretary Peel moved for a report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Courts of Justice. Courts of Law—Petition from Joseph Stockdale, complaining of Lord Chief Justice Best's conduct towards him when he was tried for libel. Negro Slavery—Petition against, from Withington, presented by Mr. Brougham. Arrest on Mesne Process—Returns of persons imprisoned for debt last year, ordered on the motion of Mr. Hume. In- solvent Act—Account of the money under the management of the Insolvent Court, and of the number of warrants of arrest for debt in Surrey and Middlesex, ordered on the motion of Mr. Hume. Similar returns connected with Ireland were also ordered, and likwise a return of the number of persons eonfined for debt in England and Ireland. Irish Clerk of the Pleas—The Chancellor of the Exchequer obtained leave to bring in a bill to add to the consolidated fund the money accumulated from the fees of this office, the sinecure parts of which had been abolished. Woods and Forests Acts—Notice by Lord Lowther, of an application on Thursday next for leave to consolidate them. Canada Fisheries Acts—Application for leave to consolidate them, to be made by Sir George Murray. Adjourned at eight. FRIDAY, February 20.—University of Orford—New writ moved for by Mr. Est- court, Mr. Peel having accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. General Gascoigne ap- proved of this, and made a speech, which Mr. Hobhouse answered. Smithfield Market—Bill brought in for its improvement, by Mr. Alderman Wood. St. James's, Westminster—Petition in favour of a bill for regulating the appointment of Vestries, presented by Airs Hobhouse ; who also presented a similar one from St. Paul's, Covent Garden. St. Thomas's Hospital—Alderman Ansley obtained leave to bring in shill to regulate. House Tax—Petition against, from Cheltenham, presented by Lord E. So- merset. • Catholic Claims—Petitions against, presented by Sir John Cotterel, from the Archdeacon and Clergy of Hereford, and from the Dean and Chapter of the Ca- thedral; by Sir. C. N. Palmer, from the clergy of Albury, in Surrey; by Sir J. Brydges, from Bedfont ; by Mr. Ashurst, from the Mayor and Commtmalty of Ox- ford; by Mr. Buncombe, from two parishes in Yorkshire ; by Lord E. Somerset, from the clergy of the Deanery of Stowe, and from another Deanery in Gloucester- shire ; by Mr. F. West, from Denbigh; by Mr. Dickenson, from Castle Cary ; by Mr. Bankes, from Burton-upon-Trent ; by Mr. G. Moore, six petitions from Car- low, Tipperary, and King's County ; by Colonel Cust, from Wallacy, in Cheshire; and by Mr V. Stuart, from fifteen parishes in Waterford. Petitions in favour of the Catholics presented by Sir J. Mackintosh, from the Catholics of Cheshire; by Mr. Lamb, from Dungarvon ; by Mr. Carew, from New Ross, Gores, and other places in Wexford; by Mr. Calcraft, from the Unitarians of Wexford ; ;rid by Lord Palmer- ston, from three parishes in Sligo. Law Courts—Report of the Commission laid on the table. Finance Commiltee—Discusslon upon, between Mr. Moberly, Sir H. Parnell, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Hume. bfr. Baring, and Lord Althorp. Supply ; Army Estimates—The Estimates moved by Sir H. Hardinge. Speakers— Colonel Davis, Sir H. Parnell, Mr. Hume, Mr. G. Robinson, Sir G. Murray, Lord Palmerston, Mr. Maberly, Sir H. Hardinge, Mr. Baring, Mr. Monck, Sir H. Vivian, Colonel Dalrymple, and Mr. Leycester. Various sums voted,—Mr. Hume objecting to the amount of some of them; the Committee to sit again on Monday. Ripon— New writ for this borough ordered, Sir Robert Inglis having accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. Miscellaneous Estimates—Laid on the table by Air. Dawson. Adjourned at twelve o'clock, to Monday.