To have Winchester and Christ Church in charge of the
Daily Mirror seems a new idea. Is it going to mean a new Daily Mirror ? Is it, in particular, going to mean a weakening of the Mirror's consistent support of the Labour Party ? The question is not unimportant, for though the majority of the Mirror's readers are, I imagine, a good deal more interested in the young person called Jane who figures in one of the regular " strips " (strip, indeed, in another sense is the mot juste in this connection) than in Mr. Attlee or Mr. Morrison, the backing of a paper with a circulation of over four million must be an asset of some value to any party. And in spite of the support the Labour Party gets from a variety of Etonians its chief reliance has for some time been on Winchester among the public schools. Moreover,aff the new controller of the Mirror, Mr. Cecil Harmsworth King, is a Wykehamist he is also a nephew of Lord Northcliffe, and the Fleet Street strain may predominate (so far as it cannot blend).
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