OFFIcE OF DansIANcE. Dee. 14.-Royal Ree,t. of Artillery- -Brevet :Major E. Gordon to be Lieut.-Col. vice :Cleans, deceased; Second Capt. W. H. Bent to be Capt. vice Gordon; First Lieut. T. A. Shone to be Secoul Capt. vice Bent ; Second Lieut. M. Smith tube First Lieut. vice Shone.
Memoratiduni-The date of the commissions of the under-mentioned officers of the Royal Itegt. of Artillery has been altered its follows : viz. Limn: Col. W. Wylde, Capt. E..1. itrinicur., Second Capt. W. M. Smith, First Lieut. R. II. Crofton, all dated 214h November 18,39.
WAII•OrrteR, Dee, 20.-lst fleet. Foot-Capt. Sir W. qtrainmoitil Stewart, Bart, from lialf-pay 15th Light Drags. to be Capt. vice .1.. C. Skynner, wino exchanges; Limit. Lord C. Beauclerk to be Capt. by purchase, vice Sir W. D. Stewart, wino re- tires: Ensign J. 1'. Gore to be Lieut by purelasse, vice Lord C. Bestuelerk ;
G. Wells, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vie.: Core. 2211 Foot-Capt. U . Ander- son, from lite 96th Foot, to he Capt. viee Buller, v. tio eXCI1311.41..S. 23t1i Foot-Capt. W. I,. Russell, from the italf-pay unattached, to be Capt. •4est Crammer, promoted. 41st Foot--Assist.-Surg. A. C. Wchster, from the 83111 Foot, to he Assist. 'Sung. sic '1'. Ilegg, who retires 'mon Foot-Ensign C. It. Grimes to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Hill, wino retires; J. F. Parker, Gent. to be Ensign, by pm chase, 'ice Ii iii, who retires. 61st Font-Lieut. \V. . Hamilton, from the lot %Nest India Itegt. to tun Lieut. Vice M'Carthy, who exehauges. 64111 Foot-Lieut. G. C. II. st icl Mg to be Capt, by purelmse, Vice Kingdom, who retires; Ensign M. E. Smith to be Lieut. by purchase, sic,, Stirling; G. Amis.', ( ent. to be Easigit by purchase, vice
Smith. Stint Foot-Lieut. J. Utile, from half-pay 73.1 Foot, tin be Lieut. vies. tt. Franklin, who exchanges. 88th Foot-Assist.-Surg. G. 1). Doris, M.D. from the Steff, to be Assist. ..Sorg. vice Webster, sippointed to the 41st Foot. 96th Foot-Capt. G. V. Butler, from the 2241 Foot, to be Capt. Vice AltliCrA011. who exclis ,,, g , .s. 1st West India Itegt.-Lieut. J. APCarthy, from the 61st Foot, to be Lieut. vice Hamilton, who exchanges
Stafr.-Brevet Major S. R. ,Warren, 65th Foot, to be Deputy Quartermaster-Gen. M the Troops serving in Jamaica, (with;the rank of Lieut.-Col. intim Arany) vice Elliott, who resigns. Hospital Stalll-Ta be Assist-Surgeons to the Forces-D. Lucas, Gen. vice 1)os%, appointed to the 88111 Foot ; J. A. Fraser, M.D. vice F. Hopkius, who retires upon. half- pay. Erratum in the Gstzette of the 13th instaut.-Brevel-For Capt. A. C. Peal, Bombay Engineers, to be Major in the East Indies culy, read Capt. A. C. Peat, Bombay En- na:en, to be Major in the Bast Indies only. A T A PUBLIC MEETING of the ELECTORS of the nonot-Gm of SOUTHWARK, holden nt the Leather Market Tavern, Bermondsey, 011 FRTDAV 'EVENING the 20th December 1839,
. THOMAS CHRIS1'11;, Esq., was called to the Chair; and the following Resolutions were unanimously adepted-
ist. That a vacanny having occurred in the representation of the Borough of South- . work, by the resignation of DANIEL Wurrrt.F. Mayer, Esq., this meeting deems it to he imperative on there, in choosing a successor to that distinguhlsed Reformer, to select a gentleman whese principles are known to be favourable to the great cause of Reform, and to an extension ot the Rights and Privileges of the People. tr. zt. That in the opinion of this meeting, much yet rein:ties to be ...tow in the cause of Reform; aud measures for an Extension of the Suffrage, for a Shorter Duration
of parliaments, for protection to the poor voter front oppression by the rich, for frOl'IltATI to all men front persecution tor conscience' sake, and for greater facilities to the manor:whirl's:: and trading classes of obtaining the means existence by
it free importatieu of Corm that highly-taxed neree,sary of lite, should all be strenuously advocated by the Reprezentative in Parliament of this important C011- stitoca:CV.
:A. That from his unchanging adhaellee to the People's cause and zealous advt.cavy of their sights, oddeti to his being a brother eleemr, aith having with
them a euninton inlercs, in the m elfare of the llorough of Soutlimairk. this meeting hails with unfeigned satisfaction the appear:vow tar 13)7NJANIIN WOOD. US a Can- didate her its rerresent Parlianseut, and pledge thellitielVt'S use their utmost exertions to ,,7111, 11;S re! twn.
4th. That ilic thaoks of this meeting be given to the Adv-rCzer, the Morn- ing Chrehirie, aLd tile Independent l'ress generally, c.o. III': :IltelltiLMI bestowed upera the Lilcral niectiags of the Electors of this Bul'Ol2 Cii, unit the sons rt rendered to the
truly Libcoll lIzzaAmix Woo, Esq. 5th. That the thanks of this meeting be given to Mr. CsinisTrz fur his impartial conduct jut tlw