21 AUGUST 1847, Page 12



At the commencement of the week, the tendency of Stock was downwards and the quotations at one period indicated a decline of / per cent: an upward tendency succeeded, and the closing quotations today are the same as those of Saturday. The pressure of Stock upon the market occasioned by sales for money has not been severe: the rate of interest for loans upon the security of English Stock has varied from 5 to 51 per cent, but money has always been obtainable at those rates. The amount of bullion shipped to New York by the last packet was small (under 100,0001.); while the decline in our corn-market will operate to check importa- tion, and prevent any large increase in the demand for the precious metals. Ex- chequer Bills have fluctuated between a small premium and a trifling discount.

In the Foreign Market, the general tendency is downwards; or rather, the cur- rent descriptions of stock may be described as difficult of sale at the prices of the day. In this department large transactions are almost impossible, the high rate of money tending effectually to check purchases. The settlement of the half- monthly account occurred on Tuesday; when the rate of interest given upon loans upon foreign securities varied from 6 to 8 per cent, while upon Railway Shares it ranged as high as 13 per cent. Portuguese Stock continues depressed, ranging between 27 and 28. The impulse given to Mexican Bonds on Saturday, and no- ticed in part of our last impression' has not been sustained. The report of nego- tiations for peace appears to have been unfounded. The price of the Stock has consequently receded to 181, being a decline of 1 per cent from the highest point.

The prices of the Railway Shares have been generally well supported; and in most cases the quotations of the principal shares, reference being had to the de- duction made in the price for the dividends just declared, are nearly the same as the highest prices reached last week. The Directors of the Eastern Counties Railway have determined to retrace their steps and to pay the interest due upon their Eastern Counties York Extension Shares. In order to do this legally, it is proposed to convert each &stern Counties York Extension Share—upon which 71. 108. has been paid, and a farther call of 21. 108. will become due early in Sep- tember, making in all 101. per share—into two Eastern Counties Quarter-shares, to be distinguished by the classes A and B. Upon class A a dividend of 28. 3d. will be shortly paid, and upon class B a dividend of 2.s. id. will become payable in January 1848; making in all 48 4d. per share, which is the amount claimable upon each for interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum upon the payment al- ready made. The whole charge under this head will be 31,2001.; which is to be advanced by the Eastern Counties Company in the first instance, and stand to their credit as a debt to be repaid out of the first profits arising from the work- ing of the lines now in construction, with that portion of the general capital re- presented by the York Extension Shares.


A commercial failure has been made public today. The house is one engaged in the corn-trade; its engagements are not very large, but the fact of its insol- vency assumes an importance which under other circumstances would not be attached to it from the position of one of its partners as the head of a large commercial company. The Stock Market is not eo firm in appearance as it wce yesterday; Consols for Money and Account being 8744, while for October the price in 871 /. No change or business has occurred in the Foreign Market. The Share Market is in nearly the same state as yesterday; smiths follow- ing are the principal bargains recorded: Birmingham and Oxford Junc- tion 21e; Caledonian, Half-shares, 11; Eastern Counties, 181 1; Ditto, Per- petual Five per Cents, No. 2,4 premium • Ditto, York Extension' 64; Leicester and Bedford; e; London and Brighton, 481; Midland, 401., 441; Newcastle and Berwick (New), 8; Norfolk, 109, 111; Ditto, New 201., 6; North Staffordshire, 94; South-eastern and Dover, No. 4, 54 1; West Riding Union, 1 dis.; York and Newcastle, 841; Ditto, Extension, 144; Dutch RhenisI, 3. SATOZDAZ Two o'CLocz.

Scarcely any business has occurred during the afternoon, and the English

Funds close at the morning's prices. In the Foreign Market the only transactions recorded are in Mexican, at 184 i 4 i; and in Dutch Four per Cents, at 891 and i 894. The transactions n Railway Shares have been so trifling that we can only record the following in addition to those already given. Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 29; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 481 1; London and North-western, 1642; Midland, 1151; York and Newcastle, 341 1; Northern of France, 11 104; Orleans and Bordeaux, 5: Paris and Orleans, 48; Sambre and Meuse, 81. It will be seen that the Norfolk Shares have declined materially; the fall since last Saturday hiving been more than 101. per share. This decline is the consequence of a reduction of dividend from 7 to 6 per cent: the Shares, which on Saturday last were 119, were yesterday at 108, and are today marked at' 109 and 1111.

3 per Cent Consols 871 1 Danish 3 per Cents 857 Ditto for Account

871 1

Dutch 21 per Cents 561 3 per Cent Reduced 871 1 Ditto 4 per Cents. 891

31 per Cents

891 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846- • •

181 1

Long Annuities 9 1-16 New Grenada 19 20 Bank Stock 195 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 27 28 Exchequer Bills 1 die. 1 pm. Peruvian. 346 India Stock Madan 5 per Cents 110 112 Brazilian 5 per Cents 53 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 201 I Belgian 41 per Cents 92 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 301 1 Buena: Ayres 6 per Cent.... 36 9 Venezuela 3840 Chill= 6 per Cents 90 2