The Madrid papers and letters have been full of assertions
as to the probable success of the attempts to reconcile Queen Isabella and her hus- band: the Queen arrived at Madrid on the 12th instant; and the King Consort simultaneously left the city for the Pardo. So much for the re- conciliation. It was believed that a Ministerial crisis was imminent; that Senor Pacheco would have to retire; and that Senor Salamanca would un- dertake the reconstruction of-the Cabinet.
The Paris Naticnal, in a very extravagant paper, represents Queen Isa- bella as determined on abdication, in order to enjoy life with greater freedom.
A letter from Bayonne of the 16th instant reports that a Carlist con- spiracy had been discovered in Alava and Guipuzcoa; where a number of persons had been arrested.