21 AUGUST 1830, Page 11



On the 29th ult. at Estburey, the Hon. Lady ST. Jonx, of a son. On the 13th inst. at Woolwich, the Lady of Captain SAUNDERS, of the Royal Horse Artillery, of a daughter.

On the 15th inst. in Nottingham Place, the Lady of CHARLES RICHARD POLS.

Esq. of a son. On the 16th inst. at Clifton, near Bristol, the Hon. Mrs. CHARLES IRBY, of a son.

On the 11th inst. at Edinburgh, Lady Os wAr.n, of Dunnikeir of a daughter. On the 12th inst. at Belle-vue Hall4Brighton, the Lady of Dr. B v a o:v, of a daughter.

On the 12th inst. at his Lordship's house, in the county of Dublin, the Viscountess

RUNGARvAN, of a son.

On the 16th inst. the Lady of Captain M'Czuvrocs, of Waterloo Place, Derry, of a son. MARRIAGES.

On the 17th inst. at St. George's, Hanover Square, ST. GEORGE CAULFIELD, Esq. First Life Guards, to SUSAN, daughter of Lady Charlotte Crofton, and sister to the present Lord Crofton.

On the 12th inst. at North Creek, Norfolk, J. T. GRAVER BROwNE, Esq. of Rey- mersstone Hall, Norfolk, to FRANCES, daughter of Archdeacon Bathurst, and grand- daughter to the Bishop of Norwich.

On the 12th inst. at Tistington, Derbyshire, F. WRIGHT, Esq. of Lenton, Notting.. hamshire, to SELINA FITE nEnnaRT, eldest daughter of Sir H. Fitzherbert, Bart. of Tistington Hall. On the 17th inst. at St. James's Church, the Rev. EDWARD CHALONER OGLE, third son of the Rev. John Savile Ogle, of Kirkley, in the county of Northumberland, to SOPHIA, youngest daughter of Admiral Sir Charles Ogle, Bart. M.P.


On the 10th inst. in Dublin, Captain HENRY DALLAS, of his Majesty's 37th Regt. eldest son of Sir George Dallas, Bart. in his 28th year. On the 13th inst. at Forest Place, Laytonstone, JOHN WRIGHT UNWIN, Esq., one of His Majesty's Coroners for the county of Middlesex, in his 58th year. On the 17th inst. at Kenwood, the Lady CECILIA SARAH MURRAY., daughter of the Earl of Mansfield, in her 17th year. On the 15th inst. at Townsend House, Regent's Park, Major C. H. GLOVER, late 35th Regiment Bengal Infantry, in his 44th year.

On the 15th inst. universally regretted, the Very Reverend ALLEN Moackam, Dean of Killaloe, in his 69th year.

On the Oth inst. at the Glebe House of Killermogh, in the Queen's County, the Bev. GEORGE HAMILTON. At his house in Dublin, HUGH DICE, Esq. late M.P. forthe Borough of Maldonl In Lancaster Place, JAMES, youngest son of the late Dr. Mitchell.