21 APRIL 1906, Page 26

Glasgow Men and Women. By A. S. Boyd. (Hodder and

Stoughton. 30s. net.)—Mr. A. S. Boyd, who contributed largely to the entertainment, and, perhaps we might add, Do instruction, of Glasgow folk by his drawings in two illustrated newspapers, the Bailie, which still exists, and Quiz, which has passed away, has made a selection of his sketches. They appeared under the signature of " Twym," a purely arbitrary combination of letters, he explains, to the confusion, doubtless, of many ingenious theories. There are eleven divisions, the last being of the "omnibus" variety, with the title of "Town and Country Characteristics." The second s6ction, however, "The University," makes, we may say, the widest appeal ; for here we see the similitudes of men whom we all know, at least by name and reputation. John Bright, Edward Lushington, and Lord Lytton are pictured. These gravities are relieved by the humours of a "Rectorial Election." Was there ever such a constituency as that which elects a Lord Rector ? But the "Interesting Strangers" is particularly interesting. It shows us Mr. Michael Davitt, Henry George, Professor Arifinius Vambery, Dr. George Macdonald and his family, and the " Claimant." But the book, with its hundreds of pictures, grave and gay, is a treasury of good things. This, we fear, is a quite inadequate notice; but then we cannot make extracts.