21 APRIL 1860, Page 11

The Bombay mail arrived yesterday, with advices to the 27th

March. The Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal reports that he has every reason to believe that the excitement in the Indigo districts is passing off, and that he has no apprehension of serious disturbances anywhere. The Governor-General continues his progress in the North-west, having received the Maharajah of Cashmere, and a deputation from our old ally and enemy, Dost Mahomed Khan, of Cabul. Holkar, we under- stand, has received a complimentary address from his lordship, and the assurance that, in the event of a failure of heirs nage of his body, the Government will recognize his adoption of a successor.

The chief incident of the last fortnight in this presidency is the trial of Mr. James Hunt, late Sergeant-major of the Fourteenth Light Dra- goons, for "shooting with intent to kill" Cornet W. Sandys Browne of the same regiment for the seduction of his wife. The deepest sympathy exists for Mr. Hunt, and it was thought very doubtful whether any jury would convict him of the charge. The trial has resulted in a verdict of "guilty of shooting with intent to do grievous bodily harm " a.c- companied with a very strong recommendation to mercy. The Court stated its full concurrence with the jury, and sentenced Mr. Hunt to one year's imprisonment and a week's solitary confinement every three months of the period.—Benabay Times.