20 SEPTEMBER 1946, Page 13


Sm,—The Ministry of Agriculture have set up Appeal Tribunals to deal with future cases of dispossession by War Agricultural Executive Com- mittees. Unfortunately, however, such tribunals have no authority to deal with retrospective cases, the reason given by the Ministry being that it would be impossible to review them in the present circumstances. Special investigation by the Minister of Agriculture (which has taken place in certain of these retrospective cases) is not sufficient, in my view, and the evidence should be reviewed and examined by a Court presided over by a Judge, and the right to appeal to such a competent and impartial authority should not be denied to any dispossessed person. Magna Charta established such right, and even expediency cannot be held to be an excuse for the denial of it. Efforts are still being made, / understand, by certain Members of Parliament to have these cases reviewed by an independent tribunal, and it is to be hoped that their efforts will be successful.—Yours faithfully, REGINALD TANSLEY. 277, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham z6.