A CORRECTION [To the Editor of Tun SPECTATOR,] was with
profound dismay that I read in your issue of September 6th, under the signature of John P. Fletcher, the statement that " Recently Lord Noel Buxton and Sir John Harris proposed that the Italian claim to Abyssinia should be settled by putting that country directly under the control of a League of Nations' adviser." May I hasten to say that no such proposal has ever been made by us and I can only regret that you should have been led to give currency to so unfortunate a mis-representation. The following is. an extract fromrour suggestion as published in The Times of July 30th : (1) The appointment by the League in conjunction with the Emperor. and the American Government of a highly competent official who should be in the service of the League to advise the Abyssinian Governrrient in regard to administration and reforms. Any such official must obviouslY be a man of great experience and unquestioned integrity.