20 OCTOBER 1928, Page 22


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sla,—I wonder if any of your correspondents of " Lost and. Found " have reminded you of the story of the loss. of the ' Kent ' in 1825, when during a tremendous storm in the Bay of Biscay the ship got on fire and Major (afterwards Sir Duncan) Macgregor, believing that there was no hope of saving the vessel, threw a bottle into the. sea telling of- their hopeless condition. Many of those on board the Kent were rescued by the Cambrian.' Nineteen months after at Barbados a man picked up the bottle and on breaking it found Major Macgregor's letter and handed it to him as he was then stationed in Barbados.—I am, Sir, &e.,.

The Rackery, Rossett, N. Wales. C, GUEST WILLIAMS.