20 OCTOBER 1838, Page 9


TIIE last to keep the field, the ),Iadrigalians are the first to take it. Indeed they are, fur the most part, unable to understand wind is meant by the London season. ‘Vbat is the breaking up of Parliament, the flight of nobles, the desertion of the Court. the cessation of the Opera, the absence of Gnisr to them ? The Queen of their devotion is Queen EI.M.V1;ET1t, WIJOSC praises they sing, and to whom they bear true Ale- gianee. With the 'Telma dynasty their allegiance begins and ends ; for it includes all tb,,, musiehms with whom they have any acquaintance., and all the monarchs; who patronized vocal harmony. They despise the STUARTS, for the S reanTs pro-cithed and silenced all their fa- vourite composers; and of the Gi:ELPIIS they know nothing, for thst art Gn'eS then) nothing. They go on very well without courtly pa- tronage, of which they- neither feel the want nor envy the possessioa. Music which has outlived rebellions, restorations, and revolutions— which has survived ELlZABETII, the CliARLESES and JamEses, Ouvel an the GLOM:ES—KIS little to gain and nothing to lose from Kings, Queens, and Courts.

The worthy and accompli-hed President, the Hieh Sheriff of De- von, was in the chair at the first meeting of the Society, on 'Thursday; when the following compositions were performed—

A al bent, " mighi y uti.1 everlastiug God" f:113HON5,

Go r. CoFT.

" d i• gone in." D ir.

Madrigal, " Sister, awake " IlaTEsON.

As Vesta was from Latmoe bill " Wsep, weep" WI,ELKESe " No, is the bridals"


• "1.1 sacerdos " Madrigal, " the plains"

o fl.rwer of April" FF RR AnosCO.

MoRT,EY. ..thir bonny boots"

Sxcellwart, afire" WEELKEF.

Two of these compositions were written in praise of Queen Euza. when will the Composer to Queen VICTORIA produce—we will not say any thing so good—but any thing in honour of his royal nth tress ?