The City correspondent of the /foreleg Herald mentions a report
that the East India Company is so hard run for money, that they have been compelled to apply for a loan of 2,000,0001. sterling from the Bank of England. The Bank is
said not to have refused, but to demand the interest of 8 per cent; to which the Company demur.
It was notified in the Exchange, today, that Mr. John Williams, one of the principal jobbers in the House, was unable to meet his engagements. This caused a large bear account in Consols to be bought in in the usual form, which, for the time tieing, deranged the market The differences me stated to be to a consider- able amount It is at present expected they will ultimately be paid nearly in full.
Another disastrous announcement was the stoppage of the Union Bank of Madrid. "This Bank," says the Standard, "drew upon Magniac, Jardine, and Co., in London, and it is supposed have largely involved Baring Brothers, who drew upon them for payments under the tobacco contract. Salamanca and several of the late Ministers are largely indebted to the Bank."