20 NOVEMBER 1830, Page 11


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—We have had fluctuations this week in the prices of Stock to an extent which in ordinary times would be deemedof import- ance enough to deserve many a long and heavy paragraph; yet a fall or rise of 2 or 3 per cent. is now scarcely talked about. On Saturday last, the Consol Market closed at 831; opened on Monday at 841, and by noon of that day reached 85/. On Tuesday, when the result of the division In the Commons was known, the price fell to 3l; and on Wednesday, with the news of the resignation of Ministers, to 821. From that pointthe price gradually ascended, and reached 84 yesterday; but it is again depressed, and closes this evening at 44. fitock for immediate delivery is extraordinarily scarce; and on Wedaeadayaptembun of k per cent, was paid for the loan of it for two or thre days. Yetis not this any proof of a promising Market. Money is sufficiently abun- dant, but the prices of all the floating securities are lower. India Bonds, which oil Monday were done at 22s. prem., were to-day at 8s. only; and Exchequer Bills, then. 35, were to-day 24. The Heavy Stocks have followed Consols, both In the advance and fall. India Stock is about 5 per cent., and Bank Stock 3 per cent. lower since the resignation of Ministers. The value of Stock—we speak of course of the market. able, or Hudibrastic value—depends now so much on the formation and first acts of the new Ministry, that we shall not venture any opinion of our immediate pro- spects here; but this we may venture to assert, that "reform," in the popular meaning, bodes no good to the Stockholder. In the Foreign Market, most of the Bonds dealt Inhere are now more marketable, and higher in price; but not so much so as on Tuesday last. But the chief interest has been directed to the speculators in Spanish Bonds, whose hopes are now utterly cast down by the misfortunes which have attended the late attempt on the North of Spain. The price of these Bonds, which is only 14g, is now so low, that it is very likely to tempt some new and unscathed set of speculators, who may ground their hopes not on the acts or success of a few desperate individuals, but on the change in the mind of the Spanish people, which has undoubtedly been operated by the recent events, the progress of which will sooner or later prove too strong for Ferdinand.

HALF-PAST TWELVE.—The Consul Market opened heavily this morning at 83' and some stock was sold at S21, but the Market is now a little firmer at 821 to 831. In the Foreign Market there is nothing whatever doing.

Bank Stock .... — 3 per Cent. Red. 824 3 per Cent. Cons. 83k 91g 3k per Cent. New 931 21 g Consols for Acct. S3h. g 83 Long Annuities 17k a Ex. Bills, 10001. 24 IS India Bonds .... — Brazilian.... .. 59k 60

Buenos Ayres... — Chillan ... — Colombian ..... 17 18 .. 59 60 Greek... ..... 24 23 Mexican .......51 61 Peruvian ....... 141 151 Portuguese ..... 44 46 Russian. ..... 96 97 Spanish .. . 141 1 Ditto, New SHARES.

Bolanos Brazilian . 63g 641 Columbian . — Anglo Mexican — United Mexican 11 12