20 MAY 1938, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] Six,—Mr. Powys Greenwood is, I think, mistaken in saying in last week's Spectator that : " nowhere does he (Hitler) advocate that Germans should conquer and rule other races."

I have taken the following passage from the complete French edition of Mein Kampf (Bk. II, chap. XIV) : " Nous arretons etemelle marche des Germains vers le sud et vers l'ouest et nous jetons nos regards sur l'Est.

Mais si nous parlons aujourd'hui de nouvelles terres en Europe, nous ne saurions penser d'abord qu' a la Russie et aux pays limitrophes qui en dependent."

There is much besides in the same strain in this chapter of Mein Kampf. Possibly it does not appear in the English