A few foreign points, not unimportant, remain to be noted
be- sides those in the survey of the war; although, by the way, it may be said that nothing important can happen in Europe just now which has not some reference to the approaohing contest; The result of the debate MI the Sardinian Chambers on a reaction- ary proposal to compromise the independence of the Government towards Rome, shows how firmly the leading statesmen, backed by the body of the people, are maintaining the advance of that Italian people, with a moderation that secures the sympathy and confi- dence of England. Spain, reconciled not many years since to Rome, appears to be urging her dispute with America beyond re- conciliation. A reply to Mr. Soule refuses any satisfaction to the American Government for the Black Warrior affair; and the reinforcement of 6000 men for the Spanish colonies in the West Indies is a material sign that Spain is prepared to contest Cuba. The Americans are perhaps more ready for that conflict than for accepting the offers of Russia. The Czar is said to have proposed that the American Government should wink at privateering, on consideration that he should cede the Russian territory in Ame- rica. The offer is probable enough : the answer of the Govern- ment at Washington may be anticipated.