20 MAY 1854, Page 10


THE COMMONS. WAYS AND MEANS-Committee; [Exchequer Bonds] ; Monday, May 22. Brame Acrs-Committee; Monday, May 22. (Mr. CHANCELLOR of the Excns- roan.) Carnerr-RaTrx-Bill for the entire Abolition ; Tuesday, May 23. (Sir W. CLAY.) JESUITS AND CONVENTUAL ESTABLISHMENTS-A Commission to inquire into the causes of the non-execution of the clauses inserted in the Roman Catholic Relief Act for the gradual suppression and final prohibition of the Jesuits and other Regular Orders of the Church of Rome within the United Kingdom ; the laws by which Monastic and Conventual Institutions are governed, &c.; but without power to examine any female inmates of the same, except such as offer them- selves for that purpose ; Tuesday, May 23. (Mr. DRUMMOND.) OXFORD UNIVERSM- BILL-Committee (resumed); Thursday, May 25. (Lord JOHN RUSSELL.) OATHS BILL-Second reading; Thursday, May 25. (Lord Join; RUSSELL.) AMENDMENT-That the second reading take place that day six months. (Sir FREDERICK THESIOF.R.) COLONIAL CLERGY DISABILITIES BILL-Committee (resumed); Friday, May 26. (Mr. SOLICITOR-GENERAL.) CANTERBURY Brumuty PREVF.NTION BILL (and the four others)-Second reading; Monday, May 29. ( M r. ATTORNEY-GENERAL.) AMENDMENT-That the Bills be read a second time that day six months. (Sir FREDERICK THF.SIOER.) TESTAMENTARY Jraisnicrio:v BILL-Second reading; Monday, May 29. (Feast THE LORDS.) AMENDMENT-That the Bill be read a second time that day six months. (Mr. 31aLLNs.)