20 MAY 1837, Page 9


Ill Writs.

On the 13111 inst., in c:ivellaisli Square, Lady GEORGE litLL,of is son. On the 14th inst., in Yoik Place, Portman Straw% the Latly II. Sr same, of a SOH.

At Castle Craig. Lady KINLotat, of of a daughter.

At Carlisle, the Lally of Major F. ItERKIA Ey Si. Joins. of a daughter. On the 10111 inst., in Dorset Spore, Mrs. Pt. AVYAllt, of a daughter.

Oil the 14th ilea., fit FOrlarAllile, the Lady of J•sigs WHITSHED BAWItIPIII, Esq., of a daughter. On the 14th inst.. at ['tiptoe. the Lady of the Rev. E. S. ENSOR, of a daughter. OH the 10th inst., in Spring Gardens, the Lady of Cii ma al.lits WITT. E141., Of a SOIL On the 3d inst., at Ilaseumbe. Rectory, the Lady of the Rev. TIREIAS CuALSIElta STORIE,of a daughter. MARRIAGES.

Ou the. 18mb inst.. at Si. George's. Hanover Stitt:ire, Mn, Ssorrn, son of Lady Eliza- beth Snit th, ate] nephew of Ille Duke of Grams, to the Iltni. Miss MACDONALD, Sister of Lord ftlardunahl.

At Brighton, W..1. SAWREY 1■10111TT, Esq. to ELL1N, daughter of Sir II, Wilmot, Balt.. of Chaildestlen, Derbyshire. Oil the 16th inst., at St. George's, 11:ITIOVer Square. G vow or: COOKE Y Alt110110U011. Esq., of Campsmount. Yorkshire, to EMILY SARAH, second daughter of George Cooke, Esq., of Cam Douse, in the Sallie ("Wilily. On the 13t ii inst., at Kensingtuti.•1•1101eas KIN n. M.D., of Maddox Street, llanover Square. to Wild.' AMINA, eldest daughter of the late James Mill, Esq., of the Last India lions°.

Ofi the 11111 innet. nit Bathtsiek Chinch, FREOFRICR SoRBY, ESq., of Woodhead, near Barnsley, York-hire, son of the late John Sorbs', Esq.. of Orgrave Ii mail, to CAROL INC ANNE, eldest daughter uf C. F. Sorensen. Esq., of Eatliaiek 11111. Bath. At St. George's, Hanover Square, Baren S. C. DK Sectelary to the Wirtem. berg Embassy. to FitANciscA, daughter of the late Colonel E. COPSON, auil niece to the Coo Mess of I'ly lllll at h. At Ply month, Captain 11. D. PARKER, R.N., to JOSEp,IINE, daughter of Captain. R. I., llortibi oink, It.% At Bedford, THOMAS BALLS 10 RUTH 5INFIV1 aner a courtship of one hoar.


Ott the Pith hi -h at /Unstick, Nort hundterlatith Sir DAvl n WILLIAM SMITH, Bat., in his 73.1 t ear, Chief l'oninnin.sioner of his Grace the Duke of Northumberland. Olt the 44th inst., tin Conduit Street, the Dow. l g ll r Lady BELLEW, iu her 74th year. On the 17th lest., in 111e Regent's Park, CHARLOTTE SopH1A, ii lie of 5.0. Locks halt, Esmj.. and daughter ni the late Sir Waller Scott, Burt.

On the9th inst., at Cole Palk, Wilts, the seat of his loather, Peter Harvey Lovell,

IteV. JOHN LOVELL, ILA., iu his 76th year.

On the 6tli hist., at Maltrim, the Rev. U. Coons, late Rector of Sprothorough, York. On the loth inst.,at his house on Clapham CO:ninon, sorry,TUOM/111 POYNDER, Es1. in his S7ill year. At Edinburgh, Mrs. Dowalmsurr, in her 90th year, relict of J. Donaldson, 1...1