20 JUNE 1925, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The approach of the holiday season, when many are thinking out their plans for seeking rest and refreshment at the seaside or elsewhere, is my excuse for asking if, with your usual kindness, you will allow me again to request some of your readers to give anything they can spare towards a holiday for some of the poor clergy, many of whom cannot otherwise afford it.

The Clergy Rest House at Merrow enables a few of them to partake of a brief recreation there. It has no endowment and relies for maintenance entirely upon voluntary gifts and annual subscriptions, which do not make up the sum of £500 required each year to supplement what the guests are able in a small way to contribute. At times it seems almost certain that, for want of regular support, the House must be closed ; but in some providential way this misfortune is averted. It is a good cause and the Commitee will be thankful for any

help that comes and grateful for your kindly encouragement. Cheques for annual subscriptions or donations will be gladly received and acknowledged by Miss B. Kingsford, Clergy Rest House, Merrow, Guildford.—I am, Sir, &c.,

[We most sincerely hope that Sir Godfrey Lagden will not appeal in vain. There are no men who need holidays more than the clergy and the doctors and yet get less of them. In both cases their homes are their offices and workshops, so the need for a change is in their cases intense.—En. Spectator.]