20 JUNE 1846, Page 19


Haydn's Quartet in F, (No. 82,)--and Beethoven's in A, (No. 5,) played by Vieuxtemps, Deloffre, Hill, and Piatti-and Mendelssohn's Pianoforte Trimin D-minor; playodhy Sterndele:Bennett with the principal violin and bass-afforded'a veryinteresting musical morning on Tuesday. The per- formance was earnest tandtheautiful threughout; and the reiteration of such sterling productions cannot fail to improve the. taste of the fashionable amateurs whom Mr. Ella has drawn about him: We- observe that he re- lams-the rigour of this rule, at his own Matinee en the 23d; where some amusing feats of execution are to be expected- from the reunion of " all talents ---from Sivori and Vieuxtemps-to Piatti and Kellerman. This at- tractive exhibition is rightly reserved- to repay an undertaking attended with considerahlerpeouniary risk; andithatit may-be a- sueoessfhl one, we are- sure that- Ella- has- the hearty good wishes of- every-one who has beempresenMat his performance&