20 JULY 1929, Page 10



To make the League of Nations a living reality to the man in the street is the main task of writers and speakers to-day. Miss Violet Oakley, an Associate of the American National Academy, shows us that the artists too can make their contribution to the common weal. From July 18th to 22nd, at the special request of the American Women's Club in London, she is giving a show of her drawings of well-known figures at Geneva. An exhibition of her work was held in Geneva during the Assembly of 1928; and she has recently given a similar show in Florence. The best of the portraits are those of Sefior Madariaga, Mons. Bend, Lord Cecil, and, of course, Monsieur Albert Thomas. Miss Oakley was responsible for the original mural paintings in the Capitol of Pennsylvania, which commemorate " The Holy Experiment " of William Penn, and express graphically the fundamental principles of the new trans-Atlantic federal- ism. Is it too much to hope that some publisher's heart will be touched by her single-minded devotion to the- cause of world friendship, and bring out a popular edition of her new work to supplement the portfolio already published ?