Tun applications for the New Indian Loan of 4,000,000/. were all-- daily published on Monday last. It appears that the total tendered for was 21,000,000k, and that the minimum fixed by the Council was 98k. The highest tender-was at 991. 8s., and the lowest accepted- in full, 98/. 18s. 6d. The applications at 98/. 18s. amounted, to 1,337,500/., but at this rate only 503,200/. remained. to be allotted, or about 37 per cent. Among the unsuccessful bids was- one from Messrs. Rothschild, for a million &half, at 98. Oh the conclusion of the operation the quotation of the new scrip gradually advanced, and. on Tuesday touched 100k, but a relapse has since taken-place to 100k to f . The Old Stook was last quoted 991 to I. In the Discount Market the demand for money has-been very mode=- rate throughout the week, and the best bills are readily taken at 5f per cent. On the Stock Exchange loans on Government Securities can be obtained at an almost nominal rate. The Funds were firm in the earlier part of the week at 90f to 1 for, the account, but have since-receded to 891 to 90, partly from sales for money, and partly from a rumour that the Emperor of. the French is seriously ill at Vichy. To-dap there was another slight decline, but
closing price was again 891 to 90. There has been scarcely any business doing in the Railway Market, but the tendency has been rather better, the public having apparently been investing to a moderate extent during the past fortnight. Some. repurchases are also believed to have taken place to close the speculative account for the fall mentioned last week, Canadian and foreign de- scriptions show little change, except American. securities, which are flatter on the President's Message. Indian guaranteed stocks are firm. There have been-some inquiries for Joint Stock Bank shares; the dividends declared at the half-yearly meetings-this week having been generally good. The shipments of gold to New York continue, but on a diminished scale owing to the rise in the exchange in that city.
Consols for Account, 891,. 90; India Five per- Cents, 99k 991 ;. ditto, New, 100k, 1N1 ; Brazilian Five per Cents., 99, 100; Mexican,, 221, 221; Russian Three per Cents 66f, 661. Spanish, 18k 491 Turkish Six per Cents, 1854, 79-1, 79*; Ditto, 188, 661, 661.; London. and North-Western, 941 95-f-; Difidland, 1211 122f;. Lancashire and. Yorkshire, 111i, 112f ; Great Western, 70k, 71; South-Eastern; 811 811; Great Northern, 108, 108k; Eastern Counties, 49f, 50k ;- Eashndian, 98f 99+' Grand Trunk of Canada, 18k. 19f ; Loin-
bardoNenetian, dis. ; Illinois Central, 39, 38 clis.