[TO TUE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SID,—Allow me to call your attention to some of the letters written by private soldiers now appearing in many of our newspapers. These letters are of course interesting, but surely the publication of unrestrained abuse of generals, coming from those serving under them, is a new and regret- table accompaniment to modern warfare. Every regiment contains a few men who are only too ready to grumble at their leaders, but it is astonishing that newspapers of good standing should be found to publish their opinions, which, to do them justice, are probably not intended to be spread abroad in this fashion. No good purpose can possibly be served, and much harm may be done, by bringing to light irresponsible criticism from the ranks.—I am, Sir, &c., 46 Leinster Square, Bayswater, TV. H. IL STACK.
[We entirely agree. We condemn the relations who send these whining letters to the Press, but still more the news- papers which publish them. A man wearied with hard fight- ing, or wounded, or down with fever, or dysentery, is not likely to be a very good military critic.—ED. Spectator.]