On the 21st June, at Wellington, the Wife of I. E. FEATHERSTON, Esq.. M.D., of a
On the 9th January, at the Manor House, 1Vhitstone, Devon, the Lady of W. Purr, Esq., of a daughter.
On the 7th, at the Rectory. Meppershall, Bedfordshire, the Lady of the Rev. HENRY HOWA.RTH, of a still. born son.
On the 9th, at Espley House, near Morpeth, the Wife of BENJAMIN THOMPSON, Esq.,
of a son.
On the 9th, at Wootton Rectory, near Northampton, the Wifeof the Rev. I. PRIDEAUX LIGHTFOOT. Of a son.
On the 10th, at Langford Grove, the Right Hon. Lady RAYLEIGH, of a son. On the 16th, in Devonshire Terrace, Mrs. CHARLES DICKENS, of a sou.
On the 16th, at Upper Seymour Street, the Hon. Lady DALLAS, of a daughter. On the 16th, at Crowle Vicarage, Liucolnshire, the Lady of the Rev. BENJAMIN Joins
ARusestoxo, of a daughter.
On the 17th, at Frittenden, Kent, the Lady HARRIET MOORE, of a son. On the 17th, the Wife of the Rev. GEORGE HERBERT REPTON, Cloisters, Westminster
Abbey, of a son.
On the 10th January, at Arreton Church, Isle of Wight, ALLEYNE C., eldest sou of Militias YARD, Esq., of Bucklands. Isle of Wight, to HENRIETTA, second daughter of S. SANDERS. Esq., of Fernhill. in the same island.
On the 10th. at Berriew, Montgomeryshire, EDWARD DYER GREEN, Esq., of Queen's College, Cambridge, and Head Master of Langport Grammar School, Somerset, to SARAH, youngest daughter of the late JOHN HUMPHREYS, Esq., of Berries Rectory. On the 11th. at Plymouth. the Rev. THOMAS HELMORE, Vice-Principal of St. Mark's College, Chelsea, to KATE WILSON, third daughter of the late J. D. PRIDHAM, Esq., of Plymouth. On the 13th. at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Rev. THOMAS CHARLES GRIFFITH, to ELIZABETH Curium third daughter of the late KEMP BOURNE, Esq., of Edgbaston, formerly of Hints, Stafford. On the 13th, at Trinity Church, Maryleboue, Ricuann, eldest son of RICHARD JEN-. Nitres. Esq., of Portland Place, and Rioge, Hens, ICI AGNES CATHERINE ANNABELLA, only daughter of Vice-Admiral Sir EDWARD HAMILTON, Bart., K.C.B., of Cumberland Terrace, and Trebinshun. Brecknockshire.
On the 13th, at St. John's, Hampstead, JAMES Como, second son of JAMES COSMO MXLVTLL. Esq., Secretary to the Hon. East India Company, to ELIZA JANE, eldest daughter of the late ALFRED HARDCASTLE, Esq., of Hatcham House. Surrey. On the 16th, at Wootton, WALTER STRICKLAND. Esq., of Cokethorpe Park, Oxford- shire, to KATHARINE, third daughter of THOMAS THORNHILL, Esq., of Woodleys, in the same county. On the 16th, at Halifax, JOSEPH PRIESTLEY Emasatos, youngest son of Henry Lees Edwards. Esq., of Pyc Nest. Yorkshire, to MARGARET Jinx, third daughter of the late JAMES E. NORRIS, Esq., of Savill Hall. On the 16th, at Cheadle. Staffordshire, GEORGE MATHER, Esq., of Trinity College. Cambridge, to CAROLINE PENELOPE, youngest daughter of Captain Slums, R.N., of Huntley Hall, near Cheadle. On the 16th, at Ancroft Church, near Berwick on Tweed, HENRY GREOSON, Esq.. of Lowlynu, in the county of Durham, to ELIZA, eldest daughter of JOHN S. DONALDSON SELBY, Esq., of Cheswick. in the same county. On the 17th, at Lindfield, Sussex, GEORGE RAINY, Esq., of Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park. to MARGARET ELIZABETH, second daughter of the late Rev. GEoRGE HATGARTH, Vicar of boo, and Perpetual Curate of Wrvelstleld, Sussex. On the 18111, at Buckhurst Park, FRANCIS GEORGE HASTINGS RUSSELL, Esq., eldest son of Lord and Lady William Russell, to the Right Hon. Lady Ems/alms SACKVILLE Wirer, eldest daughter of Earl and Countess De La Warr. On the 18th, at Hampton, Middlesex, Colonel Hums PERCY DAVISON, of Swarland Park, Northumberland, to the Hon. CAROLINE NORTH GRAVES. second daughter of the late, and sister of the present, Lord GRAVES. On the 18th, at Walthamstow, ICRaRsts, youngest son of THOMAS BROWNING, Esq., of Hadley. Middlesex, to FANNY ELLEN, eldest daughter of PETER HENRY Heartiest, Esq.. of the Forest, Walthamstow. On the 18th, at St. Marylebone Church, Captain HENRY Deuatessa, R.N., to ANNA. Smiattnat, second daughter of the late PHILIP JANVEUDIS Esq. of Jersey.
On the 8th January, the Rev. WILLIAM POWELL, many years perpetual Curate of Shelley, Suffolk ; ill his 80th sear. On the 10th. at Dunany House. county Louth, HESTER FRANCES, Lady Bellingham' widow of the late Sir William Bellingham, Bart., and daughter of the late Hon. and Rev. Robert Cholmondeley •. in her 82d year. OR the 10th, at Blackford Lodge, near Wells. ELINOR CATHERINE, wife of WILLIAM ATKINS. Esq , and daughter of the Hon. J. P. Ward. On the 13th, at Southampton. tile Marquis of HASTINGS; ill his 36th year. On the 13th, in Belgrave Square, the Countess Dowager of CLARE.
On the 13th, JOSEPH Sraurr, Esq.. of Derby ; in his 79th year. On the 13th, at Lake. Isle of Wight. Lieutenant J. H. PEEL, R.N.; in his 47th year. On the 13111, at Hastings. Wimssu SCR'VENS, Esq., banker ; in his 7Ist sear. On the 14th, at Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park. the Rev.Wikstais JOSEPH WILTON, MA.; in his 88th year. On the Pith, at Wargrave Hill. Berks, Lieutenant -Colonel RAYMOND WHITE, late of the Inniskilling Dragoous. On the 14th, at Kingsland. Commander Contain CRAMPTON, R.N.; in his 72d year. On the 19111, GEORGE THOMAS LEY. Esq , third son of John Henry Ley, Esq., and Lady Fiances Ley, of Trehill, Devon. On the 15th, at Downside College, near Bath, Count MAZEINCIIII ; in his 79th year. On the 15th. at Richmond, Surrey, Commander JOHN Gums, R.N.; in his 771h year. On the 16th, at Thorticroft, near Leatherhead, Colonel DRINKWATER BETHUNE; in his 81st year. Os the 16th. at Bear Wood. Becks, CATHERINE MARY, the eldest daughter of JOHN WALTER. Esq. ; in her 24th year. On the 17th, at Bath, Vice-Admiral Sir Roeear LEWIS FITVIERALD, K.C.H.; in his 69th year. On the 17th, at Hyde Park Place West, the Rev. HENRY Sarra.second son of the late Dr. Smith, Prebendary of Westminster ; in his 7l5th year. On the 18th, at Brutou Street, HENRY PERorterr Bums, Esq., R.A. ; in his 51s year.