20 FEBRUARY 1892, Page 3

At a meeting of the Ulster Members on Tuesday, Colonel

Eaunderson and his colleagues passed a resolution strongly urging the Government " to confer upon the Chief Magistrate of the City of Belfast the style and title of Lord Mayor." We trust that the Government will yield to the request. It may seem a little pedantic of the Belfast people to want this touch of gilding, but anything which increases the visibility of the loyalist capital of. the North in to be eneouraged. Nothing should be left undone that can bring home to English people the existence of the two Irelands,—the Ireland of unthrift and windy declamation, and the Ireland. of Saxon grit. If people in England hear about a Lord Mayor of Belfast, it may make them realise that Ireland is not all bogs and moonlighters, and that it contains a city as rich, as prosperous, and as pro- gressive as Birmingham.