STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Ereenve.—The transactionS in our Stock Mar- ket have not been so many or important this week as in the last ; the bond fide sales and purchases of the public having pretty nearly balanced each other, and the speculators having in a great measure suspended their opera- tions until something more is known of the intended measures of Govern- ment. The discussions in Parliament to-night will, however, most probably lead to considerable business here to-morrow.
During the week, the extreme prices of Consols have been 92:1 and 934 ;- to-day the price declined from 94 to 921, but there was not much business. The Heavy Stocks have been more sought after, and consequently are now higher. New 4 per Cents, 102 to 102.4. Money is abundant, even to over- Iles,:; and Exchequer Bills and India Bonds remain at their late high prices.
India Stock has risen considerably of late; the proceedings in Parliament appearing to have given more confidence to the holders : 241 was paid to-day for the Stock which not long ago was down to 222. Some of the parties who sold at the low prices are probably getting back their Stock again.
In the Foreign Market the business, generally, has been unimportant in all but Spanish Bonds ; which have been largely dealt in, and were for a time fi high as 141; but news having arrived to-day of a fall in the prices at Amster- dam, that fact has rendered the speculators less sanguine, and a fall of one per cent, has been the consequence. The closing price was ln to 4. All the South American Bonds are exactly as they were quoted last week. Portu- eusse Stock has not been affected either way by the discussion on Lord Melbourne's motion.
There is nothing worthy of remark in the Share Market.
SATURDAY, QUARTER BEFORE ONE.—The CODSOi Market opened at 921 tot', and is now a little higher, say 92,1 to &, but the business and fluctuations an- ticipated yesterday have not occurred. In the Foreign Market there has been hardly any thing done. BRITISH FUNDS. Chilian, a per Cent. 26 27
Bank Stock, 219 Colombian, 22 3 per Cent. Reduced, 934 Ditto, 1624, 6 per Cent.
3 per Cent. Consols, 924 a Danish, a per Cent. 741 74
34 per Cent. 1818, French 5 per Cents. 109 110 34 per Cent. Reduced, 1004 4 Ditto 3 per Cents. 84 85 New 4 per Cents. 1822, 102 Greek 5 per Cent. :.37 4 per Cents. 1826, Mexican, 6 per Cent. 254 26
Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. Neapolitan,' per Cent.
1860) 19 11-16ths I Peruvian, 0 per Cent. 19 India Stock, div. 236 per Cent. 210 242 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 58 59 Smith Sea Stock, div.34 per Cent. Prussian, India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March,, Russian, 1101 1114 1829, thereasters per Cent.) 80 Spanish, Izhi
Excheoner Bills, (interest 11d. per cent. ssJ.nrP.S.
per diem,) 77 78 Anglo-Mexican, 371. ios. 381. Ws. Consols for Account 11234 4 Brazilian, Imperial, 831. 841.
I'ORISIGN rust's. Real del Monte, 55/. 57/. Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. 13olanos, 453 465 Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 694 4 Colombian, 61. 10s. 71. 10s.
Buenos Ayres, 6 per Cent. 29 a/ United Mexican. 16/. 171.