The English Stock Market has continued firm, with little fluctuation ; though the revival of the rumour of the immediate dissolution of Parliament has caused a slight depression. Money is more abundant, and the demand for it less than it tiara few days since. In the Foreign Nlarket, the business has been chiefly confined to Dutch and Spanish Stock. Thelhigh price of the former has' not been maintained. A difference at nearly 2 per cent. at one time exismd between the closing price of last week, and the quotation of Tuesday last, the 2,1! per Cents. having on that day been at 54. An improvement has since occurred ; the closing price being 54A The meeting of the Spanish Bondholders, held on Monday last, adjourned without coming to any decision upon the subject of the rejection or adoption of the terms offered by the Spanish Covet nment for the conversion of the ortes Debts. The meeting was very numerously and respectably attended, and would doubtless have decided for the adoption of the terms, hell not a communi- cation been received front M. JABAT, the Spanish Char0 d'Affaires, in which, after deprecating a hasty decision of the question, he stated that General ALAVA, who had been appointed Ambassador to the Court of London would immediately leave Madrid to enter upon his duties, and would doubtless be the bearer of some amelioration of the terms of the proposed conversion. The prospects thus opened have given firmness to the mice of the Stock ; which on Monday was as low as 511, has to-day been as high as 531, closing at 1. The other Foreign Stocks are generally at our last prices. The South Ameri- can Stocks have not moved at all, and the speculatiou in them seems quite at an An impulse has been given to the Shares of the Real Del Monte Company, by the favourable intelligence lately received from the Mines : the improvt.mtent which has taken place has been only to the extent of I/. per share, the price to-day being 3031. Considerable anxiety has existed to-day on the subject of the non-arrival of the Alexican packet, which has been some days over-due. Each of these vessels generally carries about 500,030 dollars on freight. The usual premium paid for insurance is 20s. per cent, but we understand that to-day as touch as 8 guineas per cent, has been given. The reappearance of piratical vessels in the Gulf and on the track of the treasure-ships has been a subject of alarm to the mei chants connected with the trade for some time. A memorial was in consequence pre- sented to the Admiralty upon the subject, as also upon the inefficient manner in which the packet. ships are at present armed. Orders have in consequence been despatched to the Admiral on the West India station to take measures for the more efficient protection of the trade ; and it is feared that the missing packet has fallen a prey to some of the pirates, who have evaded the vigilance of our cruisers. SATURDAY. TWELVE wehocic.
Nothing worthy of remark has occurred here this morning, and prices gene- rally are the same as yesterday. The following statement of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England has appeared in the Gazette.
Circulation ASSETS.
Deposits. £18.304,000 Securities 12,256.000 Bullion 6:2t1...;:it:■42):000040 — 30,560,000 33,082 000
The afternoon has been passed in almost total inaction. The markets for Spanish and Portuguese Stock are both firm ; the latter having been at 80, and the former 54. It is reported, but hardly believed, that the Swallow, the missing Mexican packet, has put into the Havannah, dismasted.
3 per Cent. Consols
shut Dutch 21 per Cents 541 I Ditto for Account 921 French 3 per Cents. — New 31 per Cent. Annuities. shut Greek Onmitim. 5 per Cents. — Bank Stock — Mexican 6 per Cents 411 India Stock Exchequer Bills, pm. shut 39 40 Portuguese 6 per Cents. Do. Regency Stock.5perCent.
85} I
Belgian 5 per Cents 981 Prussian (1818) 5 per Cent.. —
Brazilian Spec Cents. ex. dir.
781 Russian (1822) 5 per Cent... 106*
Danish 3 per Cents. ex. div
Spanish (1821)5 per Cent...
34I I