20 AUGUST 1910, Page 25


[Under this heading tee notice such Books of the *oak as hese not boss reserved for review in other forms.] Prayer-Book Revision at the Lambeth Conference. With Preface and Notes by C. R. D. Biggs, D.D. (S P.C.K. ld.)—Dr. Biggs well remarks in his preface that revision is more wanted in the Colonial Churches than at home. Long use has familiarised us with Prayer-book peculiarities : elsewhere these make themselves acutely felt. The important things, to our mind, are liberty in using the Lectionary and the Psalms, and the relaxation of the obligation to use the Athanasian Creed. What could be more absurd than a case quoted the other day where a young curate read to one old man and seven elderly women Proverbs vii., with its graphic description of the proceedings of a harlot ? What could be more shocking than to pray to God that an enemy "may fall from one wickedness to another " ? Many of the opponents of revision practically revise for themselves in a most liberal way, interpolating, for instance, prayers from the Roman Breviary.