20 AUGUST 1892, Page 2

According to the Neue Freie Presse, of Vienna, five kilo-

grammes of dynamite have been discovered in the Custom House at Salonica, in a double-bottomed chest. This chest a Russian, travelling with a French passport, was anxious to send to Nish yid, Belgrade. The Vienna correspondent of the Standard considers that in this circumstance is to be found "another clue to M. Stambnloff's journey to Constantinople, and the almost Royal honours shown to him by the Sultan." M. Stambuloff, it is suggested, heard of a plot against the Sultan's life, and hastened to communicate it; and it was thus not by any accident, but by means of a direct communi- cation from Constantinople, that the Customs officials at Salonica discovered the dynamite. Whether this inference is likely to be true or false, it is difficult to say. It is clear, however, that all the signs point to a period of trouble in the Balkans.