ftittigt Tat( entunial. „ FILAWOE. — The Socialist party in Paris has
remote anunexpoeted , eis' ion as to the eandidate at the election,'-on the-28th 'instant, of i-re presentative in room of M. -Vidal( It was thought last week -that -the venerable Dupoet de •PEare would•bnthe candidate; -hia•nnme promising) to unite every shade of Republican opinion ; and 11.1 Emile de Ginn-din had announced his readiness to-support- the-nominatioa. But a new neme his driven all iithers'befol'e it- M. EngeneSiie seeiinditihnell' atit'lato meeting of -the -Sepia Denteciaties, and was iinmediatelyhatight -apSwith; enthusiasm, and suppOrted by' an Immense majority. In the -first ball641 Dupont do PEure, Girardin, D'Alton Shee ''.(late- Peer of -Fnr-a mee,ild, Jean Daniel, it private soldier of groat intedeetualpronibie, were the mast popular ; but on the proposal of M. Sin's name. no 'other had a • chancieg and his caztdidateship was (Serried by nearly two to ono over the laghent next under him---:that of the private soliaer Daniel.
The Conservative party manifests division of counsel on this stibject,' and the'Electoral Club is to decide its wavering Support 'of *M. Ferdieand, Foy by a preliminary ballot. • • - •
An extraordinary and fatal 'accident has happened at Angers to the. Eleventh Regiment of Infantry—the very regiment about whose Socialist and insurrectionary spirit there has been flinch said in the pant fortnight.. As a battalion of this. regiment was massing. the wire, suspension-bridge' over the Loire, on their route to Algeria, the bridge-chains gave way, and the whole battalion was plunged into the deep, and raPiar-ffnw.ing; stream. The companies were marching with arms and baggage, ail with a crowd of women- and friends in attendance; and upwards of th,ree hundred are said to have perished, but at present authentic details arc wanting.
ITALY.—The French Government his received telegraphic dispatehei stating that Pope Pio Nono actually entered Rome on the 13th instant INDIA.—The Indian mail brings news from Bombay. to the 16th of March. The interesting matter still relates tçi the Kohal expeditien, and to the mutiny of the Sixty-sixth Bengal Native Infantry..
The expedition does not seem to have been left in the unfinished stele Intimated by the last advices, which led one to suppose that the mountain- passes were still occupied with a view to renewed operations. What the British aimed at was accomplished, but the cost was as serious as we have already explained. Our force was nearly 6,000, including 3,400 picked men; while the Affreedie force was never greater than 500 regular fight- ers. No military criticism arises, and the only question suggested con- cerns the adequacy of the motive for the expedition, and its probable re- sults; matters not ripe for the public judgment. In the mutiny affair, Sir Charles Napier has acted with his usual-energy and rapidity. In a general order he says- " The mutineers of the Sixty-sixth have brought down disgrace and ruin upon the regiment." "When a mutinous corps has endeavoured to seize a fortress which a confiding Government believed it had intrusted to faithful soldiers it is time that vengeance should fall." The regiment is to be marched to Umballa, "and there struck off from the service of the Honour- able East India Company " ; and the colours of the Sixty-sixth are to be "delivered over to the brave and loyal men of the Nusseeree Battalion," who in future shall be denominated the Ghooska Regiment. The conduct of the officers is criticized. Lieutenant-Colonel Bradford was deddasl and judicious: Captain Macdonald was prompt, decided, and reso- lute; his conduct prevented the fort falling into the lands of the mutineers. The conduct of Lieutenant Barker was so unsatisfactory that he is ordered into arreat, to be tried by court-martial for not doing his duty. Major Troup is at once praised and severely condemned : when the regiment mutinied,
his conduct was 'cool, resolute, and deserving of the highest praise " ; but Major Troup disobeyed distinct and positive orders, which left him nqlaii-
tude of discretion, in not personally, or through his interpreter, explaining,
the Commander-in-chiefs orders recieved at Lueknow in 1849, "to prepare the minds of the men for the just and necessary cessation of a temporary
allowance granted to the troops during the war.' Ile left it to a Sergeant- Major to explain to the Sepoys, through the orderly Havildars, "one of the raost important and critical orders ever issued, which the Commander-in-
chief had specially directed to be carefully explained by commanding-officers
to their regiments." The Commander-in-chief "publicly expresses his un- qualified dissatisfaction" at this conduct ; ejaculating—" Truly, this shows a laxity of discipline that is enough to destroy the best army in the world." He lays down new and stringent regulations, which will prevent or ex- pose and punish, any repetition of such laxity in future. He takes the opportunity to express his fervent hope that the young European officers of the Indian army, "who are full of ability, teat and good feeling towards the Natives, will see the necessity of endeavouring to associate as much as possible with the Native officers, and make them their comrades in every sense of the word. It is thus, alone, that the European officer can expect to acquire a thorough knowledge of what gasses in his regiment, and of the
feelings which exist among those under his command. It is not through Sergeant-Majors and orderly Havildars that the Sepoy is to learn the justice, the generosity, and the care foe his welfare, which are exercised by his Go- vernment: these things he must learn direct from his European officers." •
There have been some slight disturbances on the Assam frontier. A tribe called the Nagas have burned the provision-stores of a detachment of Sepoys, and so for the time, driven the British out of their hills. One of tho drying-houses at the Madras powder-mills blew up on the 14th of March, killing four men and wounding others. The cause of the accident is unknown.
CAPE OF Goon HOPE.—Advices from Cape Town, of the 22d February, announce the departure of the Neptune convict-ship, on the evening of the 21st. Cape Town was brilliantly illuminated in the evening.
UNITED Brerzs.—The news by the Niagara, which left Halifax on the 45th instant, is of great personal interest e ezeipenttoratecandetatesettan, died at Washington on the 314 Of ajch, in his Sixty-eighth ye:et:- - Johnp.,ciiii;;;p4-i- a itiember of an Irish lank, which einig-ratectto Ibiited States when 118 father seexeliout three years old. He, was edn to ,the, law, at Tale policip, earl aehieved a. VerY di-Onflibiehed position ',there. Ile entered Coegresete OW, 'and pen- became .e ,prominent leader of the- Southern-yerty. Hewae,Secretary-et-War ituder President Munroeni1817, and Vice-President in.,1824 ; • and :wee:nein elected Vice-President •in,.1832e,
but resigned, as being at political-Yam:nee With General Jackson .the%
dent; 'end he was.unnie,diatelye.leoted, te the Senate by Stateot South Carolina.' In 1844 he reesge4 his seat in Cone-reels, and accepted the office.af $ecretaty:yof St,ste.; whisk he held until.* close: of President; Ty. ler's Admaii.stration, Ae.,was-thein eeebeien Seeatee ; which office he fillect until the timenideetbe:-A -Jit111:■) kvitirsu but fair AmeS4ean panegisie thute-isketehes his personel;telgis; • meteristies-- ) Calhoun; oznjosiedas reputatiort for vieont, holdness,!and inde-pendeedse not surpassed by the Of any stab:ens-An • in tlin oeuntrys -His mind, was addict. ed•lo ;great antlyikali sub-tilt-y:4111d! its .,,,apendionscsand..he followed the guidance- of his logical *0m-idiom etitKen inflexible seiteritni• that Made Mitt formidable as itik ,Lintagonist! .viewit'even; when nmost strongly' - tinctured, ; with 'erceravegance„ -*met:the (necessary . result • of ditablished pas' mises;•whish ; had finely :pleated Aberoigilitedin his; intellect. alr hie,Uoyc inue-priiiiartireforeece to theedefine ancianterestuf the • South; skaaketer seduced, into eindiuslasnaar the greatness :and digisityrouithe Federal Uni.ongi slid ;regaededtheiinstiatlon of demonic islarmy, BEP.: the best' foundation or polida4; the:relic:Shine of peivateilifethiedianniter wax beyond: reproach,-)OfsrastilliettlineegrityPoeligul teniperameneradpurity; of ;a high; sense of justice and honour, it won the esteem and admiration of all to:I/than he was •intimatelY. knoeno VitiniChey, (PffebineroimhEtenton; the .fornied a - circle of statesmen which for nearly forty years has Agonised the widestises fluencoon thepohtteaLdevelopinents of this country. Differing but little in age, .they surviee their, illiistrutusieseaPeer) and are now bYneivfWaal aegis. ant - at the heed of American etatesnsteniS! 1. • - • • - I !; % BothEouses of the LegislatuaeclesedtheIr.proeeedingsin respect to tha. departed leader, had Would attend-hie funeraltenidnasse on the 2d instant.- • The•other piece Ofsnewe is that ;of the finished trial Of Dr. Webster for the isttugler of De. ,Parketan. :Thecae% lasted to the twelfth day, an nn- Pretedentedleeethifis the Aineridth) courts ; -4.6el1the 'descriptions of the scene, as each dey produced its development of the evidence, are credit- able to the administration of Americtei law: the judge calm, impartial,. watchful alike for the prisoner and for justice ; the jury intelligent and
wearied in vigilance; the counsel ingenious, yet fair.
Some new points were added to the already ecliVinciPg, ma-s.9' of Cv41!PAe-•' A. deilast proved, , that Dr..Parlinpine mouth was se deformed, that in pre!- parmg the east for his artificial teeth his attention. Wee' ferodsly engaged : he produced his own model,, and the teeth .found in Dr- Webstede laboratory- furnace, and they were;perfecllY fitted to each .other, to the smallest and most unusual points of peculiarity.: securities for Dr. 'Webster's debt to Dr. Parketaa were found in thapaiesaion of .the. accused, and he was wholly unable to show, how be cold haye redeemed them.. Letters and mauve, were proved to havebeendespatchedhy him which were
i , ingeniously con-
trived to put the missing man relations off the real scent, in their hunt for him after he was first 'rowed. The jury deliberated, only ten minutes, and gave a verdict of"Guilty.? - Sentence of death was immediately passed Up to that time the prmoner had maintained a marvellous coolness and intellectual self-possession ;
that juncture he broke down, and exhibited a piteous; prostration. • ,
A curious story is told of a medindetedent who saw Dr. Webster over the murdered remains of Dr; Parkmen, and was induced to swear secrecy; but who fix a brain fever raved about, the murder, and after his recovery re- vealed what he had -*Oen, to a clergyman, at Bcaton: The deegyman gaye- the information to Government; but trio -late for use on the trial.