20 APRIL 1839, Page 9

The following correspondence has appeared this week in the Morning

post; in whose hands it had been placed for publication by the mother of Lady Flora Hastings.


" unable to reach the original calumniator or calumniators of my daughter, Lady Flora Hastings, and -having received no mark of public reparation from lier Majesty's responsible advisers, I consider it due to my personal and family honour to show that I have sought it. I am reluctantly obliged to have recourse to the publication of the following letters. "'The first letter in this correspondence, addressed to her Majesty, would have been very incorrectly placed here, had it not been for its official answer, and the report which is in circulation, that I had been guilty of writing an improper letter, called ' an impertinent letter to the Queen.' With whom such an imputation originated (as no copy of it has been given beyond my own family) may appear extraordinary, but it is to inc quite immaterial ; not so the refutation of a charge so serious. " Some other letters, received from and addressed to her Royal Highness the Dutidiess of Kent, are not inserted, although connected with the same dreadful subject, from a wish to withhold, as far as possible, every thing that would unnecessarily associate her Royal Highness's name with these occur- rences, except the expression of my unalterable respect and gratitude for her Royal Highness's conduct towards my daughter, and her feeling towards my-

self. " F. HASTINGS and MIRE Lounolest. " Lundell:1 Castle, 8th April 1839."


"Londoun Castle, 7th March 1839.

"Madam—It is hardly to be imagined that your Majesty should feel any sur- prise in receiving the present letter. The anguish of a mother's heart, under circumstances such as mine, can only be understood by a mother. But no one

UM lie at a loss to know that loyalty to your Majesty and justice to my inno- cent child, demand from me an esq?licit reference to your Majesty on the atro- cious calumnies and unblushing falsehoods against my daughter's reputation, which the perpetrators have dared to circulate even in the Palace of the Sove- reign. 1 have had the honour of remembering your Majesty in childhood ; I am deeply and gratefully attached to your admirable mother; and I have che- rished, in distance, absence, bad health, and many sorrows, a deep interest in the real honour and glory of your reign. My husband served his country honourably and with devoted seal, and was particularly known to your royal race ; alma my own famil:e, during a long line, have been distinguished as faithful servants of their Kings. My grandfather lost his life in the service of his sovereign. With so many claims on my feelings of ohl—although now unfa.shionable- aristocracy, it is impossible to suppose me capable of disrespect or want of loy- alty towards your Majesty—a feeling, Madam, not less unbecoming towards you than repugnant to what I feel suitable in myself. But, I trust a sense of morality is not yet so callous a thing as not to be held in some due respect even in the sight of a thoughtless world, and to justify- my appealing directly to your Majesty to refute, by seine net, calculated to mark your indignant sense of the slanders which some person or persons have ventured to cast in your Majesty's presence upon my daughter, and betrayed your .Majesty to follow up by a course of proceeding, such as was, no doubt, done on their part with a wish to try to degrade the victim of their persecution. It is my duty re- spectfully to call your Majesty's attention to its being not inure impor- tant for my daughter than essentially consonant to your Majesty's ho- nour and justice, not to suffer the criminal inventor of such falsehoods to remain without discovery. To a female Sovereign especially, women of all ranks in Britain look with confidence for protection and (notwithstanding the difference of their rank) for sympathy. To such honest feelings of respect (for they take their origin in that) I ought not to suppose your Majesty indifferent ; the kos can I imagine that, as your Majesty increases in years, you will not feel, Madam, more and more the value of that estimate of your high place, which would make no one doubt your commanding reparation (as flir as repa- ration can be made) fur an infiunAUS calumny, as nut less incumbent as an act of necessary morality in the case of the public, its it assuredly is to the Mill yi- Aual silo so severely suffices from such defamation. This is not a matter that can or will be hushed up, and it is all-important that no time should. be lost in calling the culpable to account. " With this appeal to your Majesty's upright feelings, I have the honour to be, Madam, your Majesty's dutiful subject and servant,

(Signed) " F. Ilasmixos and Munn Lounocx."

" L0100101 Castle, 8th March 1839.

"My Lord---.1 trouble your Lordship with the enclosed letter, in order to insure its immediate and safe delivery ; and I have to request you will present it yourself' to her Majesty. "1 have the honour to be, &c.

(Signed) "F. HASTINGS altd MORE LOUDOUN. "To Viscount Melbourne, &c."

" South Street, Ilth March 18:39.

" Madam—I have this morning received your Ladyship's letter of the 8th instant, together with a letter addressed to the Queen, which letter I will lose no thus in laying before her Majesty ; and I remain, Madam, your Ladyship's

faithful and obedient servant, (Signed) "MELBOURNE. " The Marchioness of Hastings, &c." "Downing Street, lflth March 1839.

"Madan—According to your Ladyship's desire, I have delivered to her Majesty your letter of the lith instant. "The allowance which her Majesty is anxious to make for the natural feel- ings of a mother upon such an occasion tended to diminish that surprise which could not be otherwise than excited by the tone and substance of your Ladyship's letter.

"Her Majesty commands one to convey to your Ladyship the expression of her deep concern at the unfortunate circumstances which have recently taken place. Her Majesty hastened to seize the first opportunity of testifying to Lady Flora Hastings her conviction of the error of the impression which had


Donnington Park, 8th April 1839.

"My Lord—I am induced thus publicly to address you as Prime 'Minister of

the Crown, not only from a feeling of duty to my own family, who have been insulted and wronged to the last degree by the late proceedings at Bucking- ham Palace, but from a sense that public justice and public opinion loudly demand my adopting such a course. I feel that no public reparation having been Made for this outragiS lgainst every feeling of delicacy, of justice, and of honour, I should he wanting in every impulse which ought to actuate and guide a brother, it' 1 did not take time last means now left in my power of show- ing that it is not from the numerous difficulties which have been thrown in the way of finding out the slanderers of my sister, that her family have been • prevented from bringing them to justice, and holding them up to the contempt and indignation of the world, but from flue manner in which they hare been screened by the Court (and whilst 1 use the word Court, I will not allow my loyalty to be questioned,—such a supposition would ill apply to one who bears my name.) I impute nothomg t i the Sovereimi but the misfortune of hying betrayed by that baneful influence which now sur- rounds the Throne, and it is to vicar that Court of those slanderers ; and to place this itifamons transaction in its true light, that I now ad- dress you as the responsible of the Crown. My Lwatl, yon have stated that the removal of these persons would be unprecedented. Need I say that their conduct has been unprecedented. and is calculated in the highest degree to throw disjraeit and discredit on the Court. A near relative of mine, having from a kind feeling of the painful position in which all my family have beou placed by the garbled statements which appeared in the publie prints. p:Calished unknown to every one of its members an authentic statement of filets, 1 feel convinced that the thinking part of the community will no longer require from the wounded feelings of a brother a repetition of those disgusting proceedings. 1 once more Urge upon yon, my Lord, that course which you say is without precedent ; the oecasion will justify you in making. one. My sister is daily subjected to time bitterness that results from the presence of those who basely slandered her. I should instantly have relieved her from this. bad I not known that, by so doing, I should give fresh opportunity for ealumniatin:, her, and act ungratefully to her illustrious and generous mistress the Datchess of Kent, whose noble conduct will ever he gratefully remembered by my family, and duly appreciated and respected by every well-thinking person within this prevailed; and her Majesty is still most desirous to do every thing in her power to soothe the feelings of Lady Flora and her family, which must have been painfully affected by the events which have occurred. • "I have the honour to remain, Madam, your Ladyship's obedient and

humble servant, (Signed) "MELBOURNE. " The Marchioness Dowager of Hastings, Sze."

"Lotulotio Castle, 10th March 1839.

" My Lord—When I observe that no steps are taken to repair, as far as repa- ration is possible, the indignity offered, three weeks ago, to my daughter, within the precincts of her Majesty's Palace, your Lordship cannot be surprised at receiving this letter from me. I am told that, as the responsible adviser of the Sovereign, your Lordship considers it as your constitutional right to appoint and to dismiss her Majesty's Household. As it is known to be your Lordship's principle, 1 address myself to you, on whom the sacred trust and heavy re- sponsibility rest, of marking respect for good order and punishing abuse. The nature and the manner of the course pursued in this atrocious conspiracy (for it admits of no other name) were unexampled; and yet Sir James Clark remains her Majesty's physician. I claim at your hands, my Lord, as a mark of public justice, the removal of Sir James Clark.

" I am, my Lord, your Lordship's most humble servant, (Signed) "F. HASTINGS au,l Muiu LOUDOUN. " To the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Melbourne."

" South Street, 17th Mach 1839.

"Madam—Late yesterday evening, the 16th instant, I had the honour of receiving your Ladyship's letter of the 10th instant from Loudoun Castle. I mark these dates, in order to acquit myself of any delay or neglect in replyiug to your Ladyship's communication. The demand which your Ladyship's letter makes upon me is so unprece- dented and objectionable that even the respect due to your Ladyship's sex, rank, fiunily, and character, would not justify me in more, if indet:d it autho- rizes so much, titan acknowhylying that letter for the sole purpose of acquainting your Ladyship that I have received it. " I have the honour to remain, Madam, with the highest respect, your Lady-

ship's obedient and humble servant, (Signed) " MELBOURNE. "The Marchioness Dowager of Hastings, &c.''

" Loaaoun Castle. March 15th 1839. "My Lord—Any expression of her Majesty's sorrow for late occurrences is consolatory to me.

"If the Queen wishes any explanation of any part of my letter, which, from a dubious expression in your Lordship's, I am uncertain of, I am quite ready to give it.

"If her Majesty had been thoroughly aware of all the circumstances of the case, 'the tone and substance' of my letter could not have excited any sur- prise. Although a woman, the oath of allegiance, which I have taken to her Majesty, is as dear to me as to any man ; and to that, and the true circum- stances of the late transactions, I refer your Lordship. "I am, my Lord, your Lordship's most humble servant,

(Signed) "F. Hassrmis and Meta LounouN. "The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Melbourne, &e." "South Street, 18th March 1839.

"Madam—I have the honour of acknowledging your Ladyship's letter of the 15th instant, which I received yesterday morning. "I neither had, nor have it in command to express a wish for any explana- tion of your Ladyship's letter addressed to her Majesty, nor of any part of it. " I have the honour to remain, with high respect, your Ladyship s humble and obedient servant, (Signed) " S1LLBOURNE. "The Most Noble the Marchioness Dowager of Hastings."

realm. ILasrixos."