At the Mary ebone Office, on Wednesday, three applications, two
from women, the other from a man, were made to the Magistrate for assistance to recover children who had been taken by the Children's Friend So- ciety, and sent to the Cape of Good Hope. The applicants complained that they could obtain no satisffictory accounts of the children, and they feared that they were subjected to ill-usage. Mr. Rawlinson promised to forward statements of their cases to the Secretary of State.
At the Lambeth Street Office, on Tuesday, Henry Summons, gold- refiner and eealer in the precious metals, at No. 53 Strand and No. 9 Coventry Street, Haymarket, was charged with receiving the gold dust, stolen from the Dublin 'Wharf, with knowledge that it had been stolen. No evidence was produced ; but two Police-officers swore that the next day they could bring forward testimony to prove the prisoner's guilt ; and he was remanded. On Wednesday, be was again brought up ; when Henry Moss, the man who obtained the boxes of gold dust from the • Wharf, on a forged order, was also produced, and charged as a principal in the robbery. Mrs. A. Abrahams, a Jewess, living in Vinegar Yard, said that she had conversed with Solomons respecting some property which Moss had to sell—in fact, she " negotiated a matter of business" between the parties. A Policeman said, that Moss had handed to him 1401., and an I. 0. U. in the hand-writing of Solomons, which he had no doubt had direct reference to the robbery. Solomons and Moss were again remanded ; and " a respectable female" was ordered to watch Mrs. Abrahams, who, it was feared, might be tampered with.
Mr. Robert Mac. Cann, formerly a member of the Stock Exchange, banged himself to the top of his bed on Saturday last. He had been for some time in a state of nervous depression, in consequence of the death of his mother, wife, and son. Verdict of a Coroner's Jury- " Insanity."
A fire on Wednesday destroyed extensive premises, belonging to Mr. Barley, a ship-chandler, in Rotherhithe, and some adjoining houses.