(To THE Enema or THE " Spzeronn."1 Sta, — In response to
the inquiry of Mr. Welkin Williams. I append a recipe for potato- cakes given ma by an Irish lady, wlicsa
provision of these delectable cakes was immensely appreciated by the guests at her parents hospitable tea-parties over forty years ago i-
" Boil six potatoes; mash up, with milk, when cold; add two mnall teacupfuls of flour, and a little salt; knead all well together; roll out, on floured pastry board, to about an inch thick; bake in Lot oven, turning until nicely browned on both sides; cut into wedges, butter, and serve hot. (The quantities to be increased according to amount required.) " —I am, Sir, he., J. GORDON CROWDS. The Hampshire Club, Winchester.