1 SEPTEMBER 1849, Page 5


Lord Clarendon has addressed the following communication to the Bishop of Down and Connor, as the Queen's almoner in Belfast. " Viceregal Lodge, August 25, 1849.

" My Lord—I beg herewith to transmit a letter of credit on the Provincial Bank for 3001.; and in the allocation of this sum I am most anxious that her Majesty's name should not, even in the remotest manner, be mixed up with poli- tical or sectarian discussions ; and that no interruption should take place of that harmony and good-will which characterized all parties during the recent visit of the Queen, and which were so peculiarly gratifying to her Majesty. " I have accordingly to request that your Lordship will have the goodness to pay. this sum to the Belfast General Hospital; which I have selected not only as an institution which confers vast benefit on suffering humanity, but as one which all classes in iielfast unite in assisting; for I am informed that it received nearly the whole of the public and private collections made during her Majesty's visit to that city, proving thereby the universal estimation in which this charity is held by all classes and creeds.

" I have the honour to be, my Lord, your very faithful servant,


The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland is to be convened " to consider whether the Queen's College at Belfast is now so constituted as to justify the attendance of their students."

The Lord Primate has conferred the valuable living of' Tanderagee, va- cated by the death of Dean Carter, upon the Reverend Mortimer O'Sulli- van, Rector of Kyllyman; who, it may be recollected, was recently inter- dicted by Bishop Knox, of Down, from advocating the claims of the Church Education Society in one of the churches under his Lordship's jurisdiction The navigators employed, by Mr. Dargan on the Newry Canal have struck for higher wages. Up to the time that Mr. Dargan took the con- tract there were but few men employed, at low wages. He immediately pushed forward the works with his whole energy and command of re- sources: 2,000 men were soon busily engaged, who earned 98. a week. On Thursday sennight a great number of new hands became turbulent, and at last refused to work without an advance to 128.; and they organized themselves and prevented those who were willing to work from doing so. Some of them were arrested.