The Hanover correspondent of the Courier says, that King Ernest
has demanded of his Royal brothers and sisters the restoration of the Crown jewels and regalia of Hanover, which at the death of
George the Third that Monarch's children chose to consider as per-
sonal property, and divided among themselves.
Louis Philip has sent a beautiful eadeart—a secretaire of exquisite workinanship—as a souvenir and acknowledgment to the Queen of England of her hospitulity to his Royal Highness the Due de Ne- mours.—Lferold.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer left town on Thursday morning for Holyhead, on his way to his seat, Mount Trenchard, Ireland.
The Duke of Wellington is entertaining a party of friends at Wollner Castle.
Lord Robert Grosvenor, who is in bad health, has left town for the Continent, with his family.
What think you of my recognizing in the person of a criminal in a Paris court of justice, a magnificent uud dignifiedCount, the favourite of all the ladies in London, exalted by them to the table of English Lords and 'Ministers of State, a nobleman who used to travel about London with a inagnificort red and gilt morocco book of his pedigee under his arm, showirig how Ire was descended from the noblest blood in Europe? This amiable nobleman has been condemned by the disciples of the blind gc•'dess for the trilling matter of fifty-four robberies. Who do yore think he turned out to Las, this divinity of the London soiri:es ? Why, tire Si/II id ecrik. This virtuous and agreeable man, if I remember right, ran away from Rome beernite he had rubbed and thrashed his cull:1m.y sice.—Corropondent of the Post.
Grisi, Al bee ti.zzi, the Lablaehes, ivanutr, and Mori, are starring it at Manchester, 13ir mingharti, and all the great towns. Persiani, Ito- idol, and E re liii ii have also been delighting the provincials. Miss Birch and 31arlein are at Birmingham, Shrewsbury, and the Noah. Mrs. Bishop, Hobbs, and Phillips have been at Alanchester. Miss Romer, Balfe, and Templeton are in Ireland. Wilson arid Miss Shirretl have been iii Scotland. Sinclair is at Margate. Strauss, with his troop of twenty.eig lit performers, is marching from Liverpool on his road to 'Vienna. 31. de Melei, having had another quarrel with his wife, has taken his departure for the Continent.
It is stated thi t amongst the reduces at Mount Melleray, so re- cently visited by Mr. O'Connell, a monk was discovered who once shone conspicuously in the musical world, and at the Opera in Lou- don particularly. Signor Ambrogetti is said to have joined the monks of La Trappe before they were expelled from notice, and to be now a member of the Irish branch of this rigorous and laborious commu- nity of usettics.—Giete.