Let us again most warmly commend to all who are
inte- rested in archaeology Mr. 0. G. S. Crawford's admirable quarterly, Antiquity, the September number of which has just appeared (Gloucester : John Bellows. 5s. 6d. post free). It gives the latest news of what is being done by the field-workers, here in Great Britain and overseas, at Ur, in Macedonia, at
Pergamum, and elsewhere. It has some first-rate articles by experts, notably Mr. E. Cecil Curwen's account of " Prehis- toric Agriculture in Britain," with air-maps to illustrate the traces of the ancient cultivation. And it contains also, in Mr. R. G. Collingwood's article on " Oswald Spengler and the Theory of Historical Cycles," one of the best pieces of destructive criticism that we have read for many a day. Herr Spengler's imposing structure falls with a crash under Mr. Collingwood's skilfully directed blows.