1 OCTOBER 1927, Page 19

It was inevitable that the Royal tour in Australasia under-

taken this year by the Duke and Duchess of York should produce a crop of books, and part of the harvest is represented by Mr. Ian Lucas's The Royal Embassy (Methuen, lOs. 6d.) and Mr. Graham Brooks's The Dukes of York (Jenkins, 12s. 6d.), both lavishly illustrated. The last is a popularly written historical account (where fair ladies " coo," brave soldiers " yell," and villains " snarl ") of the thirteen holders of the title (or fourteen, as Henry, Cardinal York, is also treated) from Edmund of Langley down to the King's second son. Mr. Lucas, the author of the first volume, was Reuter's correspondent on the Royal voyage, his book is good journalism and it is convenient to have the whole story within the compass of a single volutne.

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