1 OCTOBER 1892, Page 25

Camping Sketches. By George R. Lowndes. (Bentley and Son.) —Mr.

Lowndes describes with much graphic effect, and without the incessant effort to be funny which often makes such books almost unbearable, various " open-air " experiences. How he'and his companions went down to the Cheshire coast to shoot wild- fowl at Christmastide, how they made various trout-fishing expe- ditions at more genial times of the year, how they attempted to navigate an " unnavigable river," are among the subjects of Mr. Lowndes's pen, and of "M. L.'s" excellent illustrations. It is a curious thing how much more prominent a feature the weather is when these experiences are described than when they are in pro- gress. It is difficult to imagine how people endured all the dis- comforts here described from cold, wind, and rain. Yet probably at the time they seemed but little.