1 OCTOBER 1859, Page 15


TICE _Draper and Clothier, a new- periodical published by Messrs. Holliston and Wright, publishes a letter disclosing a remarkable class of frauds. The editor vouches for the thorough authenticity of the information ; the letter is"written by a gentleman fully acquainted with the subject to which it refers." The statement exposes the fallacy of a system based on the ac- ceptance of the lowest tender, but it does something more. Many drapers hare been puzzled to know how the authorities of Parish Unions could be furnished withthe stuffs which they require at the prices given. In each ease the goods were delivered, the money was paid, and the contractor seemed to be satisfied with returns which would have ruined any other dealer. A gentleman connected with the business at last had an opportunity of examining some of the goods furnished to an Union, and then the mystery was explained. All the goods ran short. For instance, a piece of grey- army cloth, valued at 3s. 6d. a yard, should have measured about one yard over in every twenty ; but the ticket had been altered, and instead of being one yard over it was two and a half yards short ; and thus on the piece the contractor secured, at cost price, a clear profit of 19s. 3d. A piece of Welsh flannel which was charged ea measuring 96 yards measure& 92;. and so on..

The accusation applies, however, not only to the furnishers of goods, but to the- officers of Unions. What are the Guardians about ? These fans, tionaries consist principally of clergymen-, gentlemen at large, farmers, sometimes of tradesmen who have plenty to do in their own business ; but what officers are appointed and made responsible for attesting the geode furnished ?

The Draper and Clothier has done good service in reminding the trade that if it does not assist in detecting such practices, it will bring even upon, its respectable members a very mortifying and troublesome surveillanee,,mul will thus end in entailing loss upon all parties.