Tuesday, Sept. 27.
Simons and Wright, Nottingham, paper-manufacturers-Barnard and Co. Norwich, corn-merchants-Blackman and Johnson, Hildensham, Cambridgeshire, farmers-Pool and Harrison, Halifax, trunk-manufacturers-T. and D. Midgley, Huddersfield-Hus- kiuson and Boustield. Kirkstead, Lincolnshire, millers-Thorp mid Brook, Manchester, stuff-merchants-Bear and Son. Ramsgate, hotel-keepers-Dewey and Jeffer)*. North Stoneham, Hampshire, farmers-Lunn and Crowther. Paddock, near Huddersfield, cloth-finishers-Treble and Newcombe. Oxford Street, linendmpers-Crookes and Son. High Street, Shadwell, uudertakers-Lines and Apps. Blackfriars Road,coach-builders -Banking Company, Aberdeen; as far as regards G. Duff. BAERRUpicv ANNULLED.
BUCKLEY, Moses, Oldham, draper.
BADC0CE, JOHN, Shriveuham, Berkshire, grocer, to surrender Oct. 12, Nov. 8: soli- citor, Mr. Haines, Farriugdon. Wri,LIAK HENKE. Kennington Cross, coach master, Oct. 8. Nov. 8: solicitors. Miller and Carr, Easteheap; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basiughall Street.
SaladuNns, HANNAH, IAMMinglon Prime. milliner, Om II. Nov. 11: solicitors. Matra- Parkes and Son. Gray's Inn; and Mr. Cope. Leamington Priors,
SMYTH, IticHAED Burn:MON, Coruhill. merchant, Oct. 8, Nov. 8: solicitor, Mr. Bevan, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birehin Lane. Pam. HORToN, Liverpool, master-mariner, Oct. 8. Nov. 8: solicitors, Messrs. Vie' cent and Sherwood, Temple; and Mr. Cross. Liverpool.
Nov. 2, Saudersou, Sheffield, file-rnautuacturer-Oct. 20, J. and W. Lloyd, Adler- stone. builders-Oct. 18. Stansbury, Hackney Road, bookseller-Oct. 18, Sowell and Maddox, Lower Grosvenor Street, upholsterers -Oct. 18, Parker, Darlington. fine- spinner-Oct. 20, Dunderdale, Manchester, merchant-Oct. 22, Hadfield, Howarth, Derbyshire. merchant -Oct. 21, Claughton, Hay dock Lodge, Lancashire. salt manu- facturer-Oct. 12. daniard. Norwich. moneyscriveuer-Llet. 22. R. and It. Steaue, Co- ventry. ribaud manufacturers - Oct. 21, Tollitt, Liverpoal, bookseller-Oct. 26, Lane, Birmingham, chemist-Oct. 21. Rayne. Haughtou, Northumberland, paper-manufac. turer-Oct. 19, Yates, Old Buffery Works. Worcestershire, ironfounder-Oct. 19. W. and C. Burton, Birmingham, steel toymauufacturers-Oct. 20, W. Ridont, Ringwood, Hampshire. lineudraper-Oct. 19. Hadingham, Cambridge, liuendraper-Oct. 31. Dicken and Bromby. Market Drayton, bankers - Oct. 22. Frost. Liverpool. merchant- Oct. 21. Clarke and Parry. Manchester. drysalters-Oct. 20, Wilson aud Knight, Rad- ford, NOIlinghainshire, builders-Oct. 25. Heel, Sandwich, hayman-Oct. e9. Mitchell, Sheffield. merchant-Oct. 20, Gillett, Rotherham, Yorkshire, timber-merchaut-Oct. 29. Fogg and Steen, Manchester, merchants -Oct. 18, Jackson. Haverhill, wine mer- chant-Nov. 5. 7, Humberstou and Co. Liverpool, commi.sioremerchauts-Oct. 22, Dickenson and Co. Birmingham, bankers-Nov. 2, T.aud R. Hatch, Ecclestou, calico- printers - Oct. 18, Scutt, Birmingham, railway carriage-lamp manufacturer-Oct. a Batter, Poole. surgeon-Oct. 48, Pearson, York. woolstapter-Oct. 22, Eagles, Caeca, Plintebire, pmvision dealer-Oct. 24. C,oupland, Liverpool. factor-Oct. 26. WaUs, Lynn. grocer-Oct. 20. Roach. Bristnl, woollendraper-Oct. 20. J. and W. Lloyd, Atberstone, Warwickshire, builders--Oct. 28. Halyard, Bristol. freestona-merchaut- Nov. 4, Bell. Liverpool, lineudraper -Oct. 26. Dartnall, Cam, Gloucestershire. clothier -Nov. 5. Worthington, Manchester, flour-dealer-Oct. 27, Lees. Manchester, inn- keeper-Oct. 31. Marks and Barnett. Liverpool, tailors-Nov. 4. Wilson. Manchester. commission-agent-Oct. 22, Bahr. Liverpool. ship-broker-Nov. 1, Bannister and Simpson. Liverpool. shipwrights-Oct. 21, Stewart, Liverpool, merchant-Oct. 25, Graham. Natland. Westmoreland, seed-dealer-Oct. 27..1. and E. Herdmau. Congletou, Cheshire, millers -Oct. 22. N. and S. M Knight and fd'Neille, Liverpool. merchants - Oct 20. Wright, Lit erpool. corn-merchant-Oct. 22, Round. Stourbridge. plumber- Oct. 22. Ramsbottomt. Manchester, coach proprietor-Oct. 20. Geary. Manchester, woollendrarer-Oct. 21, Geary and Home. Manchester. woolleudrapers- Oct. 24. Hopkins and Drewitt. Arundel. bankers- Nov. 3. Barker, Manchester. druggist-Oct. 26. Barnard. Bristol, horse-dealer-Oct. 27, Fisher and Barnard. Bristol. horse dealers -Oct. 24. Edwards. Milford. Pembrokeshire, merchant-Oct 24. Jones, Gloucester, timber-merchant-Oct. 27, Shinaler and Jamas. Liverpool. linendrapers-Oct. 21, Whitley, Liverpool, scrivener-Oct. 20. Rolfe. Birmingham. grocer.
robe grunted, unkst cause he shown b. the contrary. on or berme Oct. 18.
Clarke, Water Lane. Great Tower Street, wineanerehaut-Crutchett. Stroud, pawn- broker - Rayue, Haughton, Northumberland, papermaoufacturer - &quoin, Bath, surgeon.
MELDRUM, WILWAN, Dunfermline. manufacturer. Oct. 3. Nor. I.
THOMSON, Witusta, Kingliorn, Fifeshire, carpenter, Oct. 1, 22.
Friday, Sept. 30.
Cottam and Co. Mill Wall, Poplar. patent railway wheel-mantifacturers-Flersheim and Moller. Manchester. commission-agents -Maddock and Whitby. Radford. lace- makers-Lewis and Co. brewers ; as far as regards Sandeman-James and 13rutton. Falmouth. schoolmistresses-Gething and Co. Leabrook, coal-masters-W. and R. fiutwisle, Halshaw Moor. Lancashire, nankeen-manufacturers-Bird and Co. Bath, uurserymen-Titford and Rickett, Cambridge Heath, coal-merchants -Jee and Co: Liverpool. brukers-Maior and Parker, Kingston-open-Hull. commission-agents - Evans aud Pincher. Birmingham. drapers-G. and T. Brace. Surrey Street. Strand. attornies-Powell and Bell, John Street Berkeley Square. surgeons-Pretty and Thoroton. Leicester, grocers-Harsnett and Co. Liverpool, bootannkers-Jones and Rylance. Whiteneld. Lancashire, colour-makers-Graham and Taylor. Liverpool, commission-merchants-Artus and Israel. Demcannon Street, Strand. tobaccomsts- Briscoe and Robinson. Liverpool, horse-dealers-W. K. and A. Welch, Warwick Street. Regent Street. button-sellers-B. and G. Garside. Radford, timber merchants- Garrott and Co. Ipswich, wine-merchants-May and Brown. Reading. chemists-R. and J. Holland. Manchester. commission-agents - Luce and Allen. Southampton, oat- fitting-warehousemen-Gilbert and Johns, Great Bridge. Staffordshire. coal-masters- Bland and Wright. Mincing Lane, tea inspectors -Radford and Smith High Holborn, lineudrapers-Bodeman and Robrweger, John Street. America Square. merchants - Brown and Quick. Bristol. tatem-keepers-Atlay and Charlesworth. Sheriff Hutton Bridge, Yorkshire, brick-makers.
SIMEON, STEPHEN, Shirley, Southampton. watch-maker, Sept. 30.
RoTHE. GEOROZ EATON, New Broad Street, merchant.
BLUMENTHAL. ADOLPHUS. Birmingham. wine merchant, to surrender Oct. 10, Nov. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Chiltou and Adam& Chaucery Lane; and Mr. Suckling, Bir- mingham.
FLSHER. JAMBS, and MILNER, WIT.LIAM, Norwich. drapers. Oct. 10, Nov. 11 soli- citor, Mr. Ashurst, Cheapside official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermannury. HARRISON, HENRY THOMAS, TavialoCk Row, Covent Garden, hotel-keeper, Oct. 11. Nov. 11: solicitor. Mr. Ford, Bloomsbury Square; official assignee. Mr. Gibson. Basingball Street.
Lawn/. RICHARD. Northampton, leather-seller. Oct. 7. Nov. 11: solicitors. Mr. Crosse, Temple; and Mr. Rands. Northampton. SAND0N, FRANCIS, Rugeley. Staffordshire, cabinetmaker, Oct. 29, Nov. II: soli. Mors. Mr, Smith. Bedford Row; and Mr. Crabb, Rugelev. Umatorawr WILLTABI, Wellington Street, Strand, merchant. Oct. 10. Nov. 11: soli- citors, Messrs. Simpson and Cobb. Austinfriars; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
YARRAD, Joust junior, Spalding. grocer, Oct. 15, Nov.11: solicitors, Messrs Thomp- son and Co. Salters' Hall.
Oct. 24. Nicholls. EdgeWare Road, livery-stable-keeper-Oct. 12. King and Co. Old Street Road, coach-builders-Nov. 5, Irvine. Liverpool. salt-broker-Nov. 5. Slater. Marton, Cheshire. banker-Nov. 5. Autrobus, Great Budworth, Cheshire, salt-mer- chant-Oct. 27. Fairelough, Liverpool. engineer- Oct. 21. Stead Leeds, saddler-Oct. 24, Shirley, Kildare, Staffordshire. worsted-yarn manufact-rer-Oct. 27, Turner, Northampton. shoe-manufacturer-Nov. 4, Smith, Thorne, Yorkshire, draper-Nov. 2, Singleton, Kirkltam, Lancashire, flax-spinner-Oct. 25, Ridge and Co. Chtchester, hankers-Oct. 25, Phipson, Northfield. Worcestershire. dealer in metals-Oct. 24. Hingley, Cradley, Worcestershire. chain.cable-manufeetuter- Oct. 25. A. and R. Procter. Kingston-upon-Hull, coach-proprietors-Oct. 24. Vickers. Holywell, Flint. shire. nurseryman-Nov. 4, Barlow, Lichfield. ironmonger -Oct. 24, Radeuhurst, Bir- miugham, innkeeper-Oct. 26. Comes. Ashton uuder-Lyne ironmonger-Oct. 25. Cort sod Harrison. Blackburn, cotton.spinners -Nov. 10. North. Leeds. merchant-Nov. 10, Austin, Armley. Yorkshire, cloth manufacturer. -Octtober. 21, Doxford. Bishop Wearmouth. shipbuilder-Oct. 25. Gillies, Hartlepool, .shipowner-Oct. 21. Wilson, Liverpool, fancy shawl-dealer-Oct. 22. Shuckard, Preston. Sussex. brewer-Nov. 2, W. and J. Slatters, Mellor, Lancashire. cotton.spinners- Oct. 24, H. and J. Gibbs, Birmingham. button-makers-October 24. Caldwell and Co. Liverpool, bankers- October 24, Burbey. Pertsmoutb, banker-October 26, 'Pease and Wiseman junior, Liverpool. merchants-November 5,, Wilby, Ossett, Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturer - Nov. 5. Wilkinson, Leeds. grocer-Oct. 31, Downing, Sheffield, draper-Oct. 24. Rodbarough, Gloucestershire, carrier-Oct. 22, Heide'', Leamington Priors, iron. monger-Nov. 4, Tatham, Burton-in- Lansdale, Yorkshire, earthenware-mnnufaciurer -Oct. 24. Clarke, Kingston-upon Hull. merchant-Oct. '24. Williams and Nevill. Bir- mingham. factors - Oct, 22, 'moll. Brighton, conehmaker-Oct 24. Bennett, Kidder- minster. timber rnerchaut-Oct. 24. Erlisbury, Holywell. Fliuishire. grocer-Oct. 24. Beattie, Gosport, coal merchant-Oct. 21. Field, Morel ni in the-Marsh. Gloucester. shire, corn-merchant-Oct. 24, Wilmer. Wickhambrook, Sairalk. innkeeper-Oct. 24, Crickmav, Portsmouth. gun-manufacturer-Oct. 22, Scampton. Coventry. grocer-Oct. 24, Spartam. Trostou, Suffidk, miller -Nov. 9, Emerson, Manchester, thread-manu. facturer-Nov. 7. Austin, Manchester, coach-pmprietor-Nov. 2, Parkin and Co. High Town, Yorkshire. cotton-warp-doublers- Nov. 5, Webster senior, Manchester. bank er - Nov. 5, Wright. Manchester, commission-agent-Oct. 25, Charnley. Liverpool, mer- chant-Nov. 4, Ilounsfield, Manchester, commission-merchant- Oct. 25.Lawless. Manchester, commission-ageut-Oct. 24, Brocklehurst and Co. Liverpool, millwrights -Oct. 21. Holt and Givens. Moukwearmouth, brewers - Nov. 1, Willau. Bollington, Cheshire, lineudraper -Oct, 24, Dale and Atkin. Manchester, chemists-Nov. 2, Adshead, Manchester, healer-Nov. 4, Porter, Nantwich. tailor-Nov. 2. Walker and Peel. Manchester. Scotch warehousemen-Oct. 24, Groves. Manchester. warehouseman - Nor. 2. Gratrix. Preston, machine-maker-Nov. 8, Parker, Manchester, cotton- spinner-Nov. 3. Leigh, Manchester, warehouseman-Oct. 21. Thompson, Sunderland, chain-manufacturer-Oct. 31, Hansard. Bristol baker-Nov. 4. Holdforth and Bald. Liverpool. commission-merchants-Oct. 26, Mulineux senior, Liverpool, professor oh' music-Oct. 24, Nicholson, Rise-in-Holderuess. Yorkshire, dealer and chapman -Oct. 24, C. S. and W. Heywood. Manchester, warehousemen- Oct. 96, Buchanan. Dursley. money.scrivener-Oct. 28, Havard. Swansea, grocer-Oct. 28, Morris, Newbridge, Glamorganshire, grocer-Oct. 25, H. and A. F. Mackay, Liverpool, merchants. CERTIPicATE8 Tu be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before Oct. 21. Murray, Church Street. Southwark. leather seller-Snowdon. North Shields, grocer -Trubridge, Swindon. Wiltshire, grocer - T. and W. Wilson. Manchester, hat-trimming- Tnanufacturers -Williams, Cuwarue Court, Herefordshire, corn dealer-Clark, Port- man Street, auctioneer.
Cuawroao, W. Dundee, ironmonger, Oct.). Nov. 1. DuNCAN, A. Tradestou of Glasgow, slater. Oct. 3, 24. Eusov. 3. Edinburgh, merchant, Oct. 3.31. Hteronsow. Leith, merchant, Oct. 6. Nov. 1.
TAYLOR, J. Cambusbarron,Stirlingshire, manufacturer, Oct. 6, 27.