There is scarcely any reason to hope that Colonel Stewart
has escaped. The reports from spies are unanimous ; and Lord Hartington informed the House of Commons on Monday that from the communications he had had with Lord Wolseley he was afraid there was no longer doubt that he had fallen in the massacre which followed the wreck of his steamer. We trust the Govern- ment will not fail to find some means of honouring the name of this gallant officer, who for so many years, with every in- ducement to remain in England, sacrificed himself to make another officer's great task successful. Colonel Stewart, while he lived, was always passed over by the people, who lost sight of him in looking at General Gordon; but now he is dead, at least he should be recognised. If he leaves any living repre- sentative, the honours which General Gordon recommended for him might be accorded to that representative with an additional grace.