4t littroputio.
The visit of M. Kossuth to the'Corporation of London was made on Thursday, to receive that address of congratulation on his liberation from capti vity, and safe arrival in this country, which was voted a month since. He started from the residence of Mr. Massingberd, in Eaton Place, at about eleven o'clock, in an open carriage, with Lord Dudley Stuart and two other friends. His progress to the Guildhall must have been pleasing to him; crowding thousands thronging all the route, by the Strand, Fleet Street, and Cheapside, and greeting him with the customary manifestations of English sympathy. At a little be- fore one o'clock the hero of the ovation entered the Council Chamber, where, according to ancient etiquette, the address was presented. The Corporation gathering was of course unusually full ; but it was noticed that some few of the Common Councillors appeared unrobed in those mazarine gowns which are donned on all occasions when it is wished to pay an especial mark of respect. Madame Kossuth and Madame Pulszky were placed in seats of distinction. M. Kossuth was placed on the Alder- men's bench next to the Mayor. The address was read and presented to M. Kossuth ; who pressed it expressively to his breast. The Mayor be- sought especial silence, as M. Kossuth was suffering from an-oppression of the chest.
In his exordium, M. Kossuth said, that the honour to which he was now advanced by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, of the great and glorious city of London, in Common 'Council assem- bled, and the manifestations which he had witnessed in the street— coming forth, thousands and thousands, after lira, only 'to 'show !the sympathy of the people of England forlhe principle of liberty---wereindeed things full of hope-for the oppressed, and-consolation for his down-trodden nation. After seeing these manifestations, 'he.might be allowed-to ask—who are those oppressors of the worldihat beieve'the sympathy drthe:pemile df England will melt away in the breeze like the -sigh Of atirri 'Tfe'hopetl, from the manly sense of the people ,of England, that thissympathy would be the trumpet-call for the liberation of ithe world. Rapidly, but with impressive fulness, expressing hia.fervent thanks-for the lively interest in his own liberation from captivity, -he entreated permission to enter into what he consideredthe true meaning of that demonstration df interest. The Corporation of :London could not,havenneant,toliestowthese words of honour on a-man, butle6aprineiple. Everglade of-this demonstra- tion was a principle. M..Koweith therefore marked the various "principles " which encountered his mind. He successively brought -up the Corporation of London—itself a principle; the principle of free'legislation, suggested by the fact that London lathe' sent of the constitutional 'government 'and 'free legislature of Great Britain -and -Ireland ; the principle cifeseohil order, 'sug- gested by the spectacle which had -met 'eyes on his:progtesstthrough:tho teeming thousands in the streets; that of municipal institutions, -suggested by the surpassing antiquity of the London Corporation, and-its immense-his- tory—the most glorious and instructive topic to men like-him ; 'the prinCiPle of industry and trade, inherently opposedto-Erehibitoryebsolittism, .antlthe most powerful lever of political rights; 'the 'financial princiPle—lention being the regulator of the public credit and of the money-market ef the world ; the principle of the consolidated peace of Europe, essential to the continued prosperity of the world's metropolis—the peace of the world being alsothe only congenial garden for tbe growth df the tree df 'liberty, under the shadow of which the nations should sit in iirosperity.; andthe principle Of -generous•humanity—England being the only spot of Europe Whichesan asylum for the oppressed. On each of these topics M. Kossuth eloquently enlarged. Eventhe -hack- neyed theme of London's grandeur was freshly handled at 'the commence- ment, with an apologetic explanation of 'his 'reference to foreign tfrairs. "There is 'seemly say -place, 'no country 'Of course, the movement Ind the tranquillity, the present and the future of which, would not-meet
some -interest -ham in -.London conneoted with -it. -London tthe heart of the world, which, like that metropolis of the human coo_ stitution, cannot fail to partake a 'feeling of The least impediment in
the circulation at the remotest parts -of the --world. It is the place to
whose vibrating centre the most distant links carry back the tide of life. London being the metropolis of the world, there is no place, no other city on the earth, which has such strong motives to Peel extremely interested m
the 'condition of -foreign nations and the .foreign affairs of this country. Having a duo sentiment of what is due to England from me here, and
what is convenient to me so Fong as I have the honour to enjoy the pro- tection of English laws, which make the Hungarian free in touching the English soil—so long as I am upon the English soil, I will never interfere in .the interior affairs of England. -But the fate of my country making one part 6f 'the 'foreign relations of England, perhaps I may be excused when I venture the remark, that among all the interior questions of England, there is not a single one which could outweigh in importance this question to
the whole of England, and in regard to London, the -rnetropolis-of the-world —to London foreigneffairs constitute a very question of life." These specific
references to foreign affairs closed with a denunciation of secret diplomacy. " What is the principle of all 'evil in Europe ? The encroaching spirit of Russia. And by what power has Russia become so mighty ? By its arras ?— No ; the arms of Russia are below those of many powers. It -has become almost omnipotent,. at least very dangerous to liberty, by diplomatic in- trigues. Now, against the secret intrigues of diplomacy there .no -surer safeguard or more powerful counteractionthan public opinion." Enlarging on the principle of social order he said—" I was not so happy as to arrive in London soon enough to see that greetineeting chkh 'London appointed to humanity—the Great Exhibition : but London is the -greatest exhibition of all, and, shouldI need yet-one spur to devote all any life and all my activity to that liberty which is-capable to preserve, in -so -magnificent
a-manner, social order, in such an immense'oity as London, the-contempla- tion of your social order, of your liberty, your demonstration today, -would have given me-the spur. I thank you for it
The favourite topic with M. Kossuth, of municipal institutions, made way for a passage on the municipal history of London. "London is almost. he oldest, to be sure one of the oldest municipal institutions on the earth; in every ease-it is older-than the great glorious-nation otEngland itself, because it derives its municipal institutions from the Roman times. Nations, em- pires have fallen ; mighty people have vanished from the 'surface of the earth ; a-new world arose ; even here in England dynasties passed ; reli- gion, governments changed.; a revolution swept over England as a mighty storm ; a restoration came, which never in history lasts long ; and, after that had passed, the establishment of -social order upon the principle of li- berty for the people. And during all these immense changes, London stands! Stands ?—no, it does not stand; it has grown, during those changes, a giant; itself an empire—more than an empire; itself a nation—mightier than a nation. Now, what is the keystone of all 'this? The keystone is, in my
opinion' that the existence of London is founded upon 'municipal institu- tions. The principle of municipal institutions is crushed down en the Gen- tinent of Europe everywhere; -it is swept away by the disease of centralisa- tion. This centralization is so propitious—to what? To ambition, but not to liberty." The principle of industry and &sieves diaenssed in a -manner to be well understood by the citizens. " The principle of absolutism in Austria, df
tonne in strong harmony with the 'prohibitory principle, managed matters so as to oblige Hungary to buy these manufactured articles, not There where she could get them for the cheapest price and in the best manner, but in Austria, in order to drain millions out of 'Hungary for the benefit of Austria —an absolutist power ; for Hungary wasebligedlo pay for cotton -manufac- tures, which here in England can be `bought for $l. .or or 221., be- cause of the importation-taxes. Therefore, in this great market, England
almost, if not quite, -in an open loyal manner, laseotpartaken 5s. ; not to speak of smuggling. What is the market of Russia for English manufac- tures? If not by smuggling, very small, very insignificant. -Here you see the direction of absolutism. Nowsee fhe 'diiection of freedom, 'Of liberty, which I have the honour to represent for urreountry. The -very day when -Hungary proclaimed its independence, and intrusted me to -be 'the chief, the
governor of my ill-fated country, my first deed was to-send instructions to my representatives in England to make known to the English Government
that the barriers of Hungary had fallen, and that Hungary was open to the industry of England. Hungary, restored to its independence and its liberty, is equal to proclaiming to the world that the principle of absolutism is crushed on the-Continent ; and, were this principle crushed, there ism, im- pediment any more to the-free intercourse,of nations."
The financial principle was thus treated—"-London is the regulator of the public credit of the world ; and if a very considerable quantity of the loan
shares of every government in the world- are concentrated here in -London, let me ask where is the security of those loans ?—where is the possibility to see paid the money under the governments of the world? Is the security in
the veneerdf absolutistprineiple, eras it in the victory of the principle of
freedom ? Take despotic governments.; -what-la-their-basis of existence ? Is it fhe love of -the -nations"? 'Oh, bow could theprinciPle oT despotismte love ? love in -such caseis a centradietiontoeurenature. 'Isperhaps the basis-6f the aired-dist governments ,contentment elf thematione? iloween men -beacontentedevithout :freedom r? tWhet isithe eomPlesion, Elf the prin-
ciple of -absolutism ? It-can'be-marked-out in a :few plain words—'People, ,pay, because-I want soldiers and spies, and to :be ,your illimitable master.' How could theprinchile of these nations be contentment ? Therefore, What
isthetasis of 'their exigence'? Immense 'costly -armies, andenit'less-costly diplomatic intrigues. The sweat 'of 'the people myna since to-provide for All these necessities,mettorthe welfare,'netifor'therhippittees of-the:nations, but to keep ehemin servitude. Therefore, eheetoolutist,goymeamente must come-again and again -to-the money-markets to.get some loam. Evetymew loan,in whatever unproductive manner applied, diminiibes the-resources out of Which it elemild'bepaid ; and when the same zees -on -grin anti who could take the 'guarantee upon nrimeeff 'for -the metiorre -df the evith them enernal leans, 'em loped, -not tor 'their :benefit, and against their benefit and -against Ahem liberty?'--'who -could -take :the
guarantee upon him, that once .these -nation., ,groaning -under 'their ma- terial sufferings, will not say, 'Let him, ay 'who 'has made the -debt.; we-made-it not'? Hare is the prospect whiChnbsoltitiet inciPles point sent
in 'thin 'respect. Men 'without aermitimainsm, sarnertly pon'dering -this Stitteeirthe haute cif-Anotria suret,confess'ihritthe ,Yerrearly 'prospect, sin- less averted by -restoraddibeityeis bankruptey. II am no capitalist—I never was, and-never shall-be.; Ism a ,poor.man, -and content with my station; but, were I a capitalist, I would very Kea consider these circumstances— I would verrmuch consider if there is possibility to'the lasting triumph to absolutism, or if -freedom -must mot have a 'future; -and, -considering 'these
eircumstances, .1 would .rather -give confidence to 'that principle which is
pointed-nut totheihe destiny -of waimkind'by (God 'hitnself. a would bend with neyeyeepathy -towards that oleos which, -bylthat sentiment to spare
every materiabinterest,evill, ecourseeseeing the rapprochement of the ma-
terial interests of the world-to 'the ininetple -oftreedom, give 'full securitytto ittopeythe -debts the egoverinnents have *made. 'Rut chenille nationwcff the worldsee that ;the minor ofithenvelIdiisiontto empressore, -end identi- liedegain and again vroithuite Trineiptead asiagalatikaNUAlo Ina' know -what the consequence will be. .1 believe with these few words I have proved that the miner/le:Of securitytofmancial interests is not inabiolutiim;, but in the svietory -of the pnuenolerorliberty in Europe." 'The prineiple of the consolidated-peace .of Europe 'brought in a reference to "nonintervention," and the Peace `.society. "/.bald there le found a single men in the world to give:such an interpretation to this principle of noninterference, that whatever 'the Czar of Russia, or 'his satellite Hapsburg, should do with mankind andhumanity, England-would not.care for it? This is net noninterference ; this is a letter of marque given to/he Czar to become 'the master of the world. The .principle df noninterferenceproclaimed-oven Isythe Peace Association has this meaning. Every nation is free to moose a its domestic concerns according as itsis willing.; and'Engiund should not 'interfere, and no foreign power -should dare to interfere, With 'this sovereign -right of the .nation. Dppressed humanity expects England to execute and safeguard this principle." The final principle, of -generous humanity, gave -occasion for a reference to the sympathy of the'Corporation of 'London with the homeless exiles from Poland—'by allotthig'to land Dudley Stuart the use of'" these noble apart- ments, these ,glorionshalld." ."31Lay the freedom df the world soon release you from 'those cares:" Each section of his speech had concluded with the phrase, "Let your -sympathy for 'this principle"—of freedom, social order, &c.—"and the struggles of Hungary to preserve it, not remain barren." In his reca- pitulation, M. Kossuth explained what "practical result" his country 'would hopefor, in the sympathy, not barren, of. his country. '4'1 intended not to ask England 'to take up arms for the restoration of Hungary to its independence and liberties. No, gentlemen, that 'is the affair of Hungary itself; we will provide for our own freedom. All T wish-is, that :the public opinion of England may. establisl it to be a ruling principle of the politics of Europe to acknowledge the right of every nation to dispose of its own in- ternal concerns, and net to give a charter to the'Czar to dispose of the fate of nations, and so notto allow the interference of Russia in the domestic
concerns either of H • or of 'whatever other nations on the Continent."
These were the words h M. Kossuth will again and again repeat, here
in England, and there in America ; one of whose most honourable and re- vested citizens, one even a candidate to become the chief magistrate of the United States, 'Mr. Walker;] has declared'that theyounger brother of the 'English race very heartily will give his hand to England to protect op- pressed nations, nit admitting interference with their domestic affairs. "I will repeat them with the faith of those martyrs of old, whioh has moved the hills and the mountains ; I will concentrate all the fire of my sentiments, all the blood of my heart, all the energy of my mind, to raise these words high and loud, deep and solemn, till the almighty echo of the public opinion in repeating it 'becomes like the thundering trumpet before the sound of which the `Jericho' of human oppression falls ; and, should this feeble frame suc- cumb sooner—should it succumb to-the longing Of my heart to see my father- land independent and free—which longing beats everlasting in -my feeble frame, as the captive lion beats 'his iron cage,—even the grass which will grow out of my grave will cry out to Heaven and to man, England and America! do not forget in your, proud security those who are oppressed. Do not grant a charter to the Czar to dispose of humanity. Do not grant a charter to the despots to drown liberty in Europe's blood. 'Save the myriads Who else would, and will, 'bleed; and, .by not granting this charter, be the liberators of the world !' '"
M. Kossuth was often interrupted by bursts of cheering, and as be sat down, the excited audience greeted him with shouts, again and again re- newed. .
On the motion of Mr. Norris, it was ordered that the Corporation ad- dress be-engrossed, and emblazoned, -and presented to M. Kossuth in the usual way.
After a few moments' pause, M. Kossuth quitted the hall, and returned through the crowded streets, amidst renewed demonstrations of popularity, to Eaton Place.
Several bodies of a non-municipal character have competed for the honour of M. Kossuth's company at banquets to be given by them ; but, so far as we have observed, he has declined to accept any but .corporate demonstrations,—corporations not being the exclusive impersonation of any particular party in the state. A single apparent exception to ,this rule seems to have .been made in accepting, at Southampton, on the second day after his landing, the invitation of London committee representing a large portion of the Trades -Unions, to receive an address from them.on -Monday, at Copenhagen House, and ,give them a speech in reply from a balcony or window. The offer of a -banquet by this committee was declined.
Lard Dudley Stuart has ;stated to the Committee of -the promoters 'of the "great Polish and Hungarian ball;" that M. Kossuth had fixed his departure to America-on the l'3th of Noveniber, but the American Con- sul had, " in accordance with the wishes of the public," postponed the day of the -vessel's departure till the 14th, that X. Kossuth should have the opportunity of being present at the entertainment.; which will accordingly take place on the 13th, and not on the 17th As originally agreed on.
At the first .general -ordinary.meeting of the -Great -Central Gas Com- pany, on Tuesday, a very suecessful state of affairs was laid before the shareholders. The mains throughout 'the City are now complete. Al- ready the company has the means of supplying 1,800,000 cubic feet of gas, and the ultimate scope of the works will enable them to supply 800,000,000 cubic feet. The cost of gas has been reduced throughout the City from 9s. per thousand feet to 4s. 6d. per thousand feet. The opposition of the City of London Gas Light and Coke Company has ceased, and an agreement has been made with that company for amalga- motion. Powers will be obtained from Parliament to blend the two concerns, and at the same time provisions will be introduced which will ever afterwards secure the citizens from the evils of uncontrolled mono- poly. Already Mr. Dakin, the Chairman of -the company, has given notice in the Common Council of a motion for the appointment of officers to be selected and controlled by thellity authorities, with the duty of constantly inspecting the meters, and analyzing the gas supplied, to see that it is of the purity guaranteed. From the reduction of prioe, the consumption of gas has already risen, since the commencement of the new undertaking, from an average of 450,000,000 to a present consump- Eon of 750,000,000 feet. To erown all, a total dividend at the rate of seven and a half per cent per annum was declared, .and the sure hope was held out that ten per cent on all the capital paid will be returned to the shareholders before the company is eighteen months old. The City Improvement Commissioners have given the occupiers of the ! houses in tit Thomas Apostle, Bow Lane, Great and Little Distaff Lane, ' andthe other thoroughfares lying between"Queen Street, elmapside, the South side of St. Paul's Churchyard, notice that ,their dwellings will be required to come down forthwith, in-order to complete the new streetirom London Ilride,e to,Sts Paul's Chutohyard.
At the Central Criminal Court, on Monday, Alexander Gordon Juba Bishqp, a young man, was tried for making a false declaration under the Pawn- brokers Act. The case has been mentioned before. Mr. Bishop is a clergy- man of -the Church of England, apparently of dissipated habits, who has got entangled with disreputable persons; he has expectations of succeeding to considerable property. One Cupit, an "oilman," had possession of two pawnbroker's tickets belonging to Bishop ; the latter went to the pawn- broker, and made a declaration that he bad "lost" the tiekets,—that was the misdemeanour, he not having lost the tickets. The shopman at the pawnbroker's could not say that Bishop had not stated that the tiekets were
fraudulently detained from him." Cupit's cross-examination so damaged his character, that the Recorder put it to the Jury if they would convict on his testimony ? They answered, they could not place reliance upon it. The case was-therefore stopped, and a verdict of acquittal taken. llfr. Bishop's counsel observed, that his client had never intended to make a false declara- tion ; the tickets had been fraudulently -withheld from him, and he had felt himself justified in making the declaration to recover his property.
On Tuesday, Edward Evans pleaded guilty to stealing 1400/. the property of his employers, Messrs. Hoare the bankers. This is not the whole of the prisoner's defalcations. Since he confessed his guilt he has done all in his power as a reparation by giving information to his late employers that they may correct the many false entries he made in the account-books. Sentence was deferred.
On Wednesday, Ignatius Francis Coyle was tried for forging and uttering a promissory note for 1150/. The note purported to be signed by Viscount Clifden, and was given to Captain Alexander DPEachey Alleyne. Coyle is a bill-discounter, and keeper of a betting establishment near Leioester Square. Captain Alleyne had betted with him, gone shares in bets, and lent him money. As a security for the money lent, Coyle gave the note in question,; he subsequently admitted that it was forged, implored Captain Alleyneto forgive him, and at length obtained a partial pardon : the Captain took a promissory note for the money due to him, and refrained for a time from prosecuting the forger. An action has since been brought against the prosecutor respect- ing a betting offish-, Coyle is engaged in it, and Coyle is now tried for for- gery. The chief effort made in defence of the prisoner was an attempt to damage the character of Captain Alleyne and his brother by cross-examina- tion. Mr. Kennedy, a young officer in the Army, has lost 7000/. to Captain Holder Alleyne, brother to Alexander ; the money was lost by a bet on the trotting powers of a certain American mare : she was well known as "Fanny Jenks" in America ; Captain Holder Alleyne brought her to England, but changed her name to " Pigeon " ; and of course'the object of the cross-exa- mination was to show that thus Mr. Kennedy was tricked of his money. The action against the Alleynes was with respect to this transaction. A let- ter of Captain Alexander Alleyne's talked about " borrowing a house to do a plant," and of "nice young fledglings," apparently to be plucked there. The Captain admitted that he would call a certain Mr. Flower a " fledg- ling" : that person lost 8000/. at the Derby in 1860.
Captain Holder Alleyne-cross-examined—"-I don't consider that I am a defaulter. I owed about twelve thousand -pounds sifter the Derby 1850. I don't know that I WAS posted as a defaulter on the settling-day, I hail won about three thousand pounds. I left the Army because I wished to leave it, and for' no other reason. I was in Canada, and formed an acquaintance there, I am sorry to say, with Mr. Kennedy. I won seven thousand guineas of him ; which sum he paid me. Mr. Kennedy was not an old loan. 'I don't know that 'he was not more than nineteen when won the money." He was not aware" that Mr. Kennedy-left England a ruined man. Witness had quitted the turf, and followed the cuseupatioDiof " a married man."
The counsel for the defence suggested that Coyle might have taken the forged note in business ; urged that the character -of the Alleynes was not such as to make their testimony worthy of acceptance ; and declared that their motive was to get rid of an obnoxious witness in Mr. Kennedy's ease. The Jury found the prisoner guilty of uttering the instrument.knowing it to be forged.
Edward Henry Poyntz, a man of good connexions ,'who had been a cap- tain in -the Army, was convicted of forging an endoinement on a fifty-pound Bank post-bill. The prisoner had known Mr. Tomlin in fhb Army; be wrote in that gentleman's name to Coutts's, and -got at different times three bills for 501. each. To obtain money for them, he forged Mr. Tomliu's name on the back. Poyntz has been previously convicted of uttering a forged order for the delivery of goods.
On Thursday, Scadclon, the man who caused the death of Taylor by strik- ing him under the ear, was convicted of the manslaughter, but recommended to merov : Taylor was drunk and abusive, and wanted to fight Scaddon, who did not strike a very violent blow. Sentence, fourteen days' imprisonment.
Henry Howard, having pleaded guilty to charges of forging Post-office or- ders—altering the amounts for which they were issued—was sentenced to seven years' transportation.
Josiah Westley, bookbinder, was tried for forging and uttering a bill of exchange with intent to defraud Messrs. Glyn and Co. The particulars were recently mentioned. Mr. Westley read a defence, in which he said he re- ceived the bill from his brother as an "accommodation" bill, and that he knew nothing of the signature. Mr. Justice Cresswell bald, there was no evidence to support the charge of forgery : did the 'accused utter the bill with a guilty knowledge ? After consulting for half an hour, the Jury gave a verdict of 'Not guilty."
Pomroy, the shopman who killed a woman by pushing her out of his mas- ter's shop, was put on his trial. The woman was abusivesand created a dis- turbance ; Pomroy tried to remove her, but there was no evidence that he intended to hurt her. The Judge stopped the Pose, and directed an acquittal.
William Glenister, a labourer in the gas-works at Thames Bank, was charged at the Westminster Police Office, last week, 'with murdering a child. The whole case was very shocking. Elizabeth ri zabeth Reynolds has recently lived
with Glenister; she had a girl seventeen months old, 'not the prisoner's. She went out at night, leaving the child asleep, got drunks and was taken to the police-station for the night. Before eight o'clock in the evening Glenis- ter went home. Lodgers heard him take the child from the bed, and a noise as if it fell on the floor ; it screamed very much. At midnight, and early in the morning, the same sounds were heard ; at six o'olodk'Glenister went to his work. About eleven the mother came home, and found her child dead upon the bed. There were patches of blood upon the floor ; the child had no chemise on—one was found covered with blood; a shirt belonging to the man was bloody ; there was blood on the clothes he wore when arrested. Mr. Pearse, -a surgeon, examined the corpse, and said—" I found the child's left arm and right leg broken ; there were fifteen or sixteen severe contu- sions on the body and extremities ; an incised wound under the right eye ; and nearly the whole of the head and face, on the right side'particularly, was one mass of severe bruises. The face appeared to have been recently washed. There was blood on the mouth and nostrils. The bruises on the body appeared to have been inflicted many days previously." The inference suggested by the evidence is, that Amman destroyed the helpless infant is-
repeabgliY dashing it on the floor ! He behaved with great indifference be- fore the Magistrate ; and when asked if he had anything to say, answered— "All I've got to say is, after I got home, I don't recollect anything as I done ; I recollect only picking the child up, and falling down on it two or three times. I had been out a drinking with the other men all the even- ing." He was remanded. A Coroner's Jury have given a verdict of " Wil- ful murder" against Glenister. A fortnight ago, a pottery, cooperage, warehouses, sheds, and dwelling- house, at Limehouse, belonging to Mr. Flight, were all swept away by a fire which occurred at mid-day through the negligence of workpeople. The loss was estimated at a considerable sum. Ryan, a labourer, and Burridge, a carpenter, have been charged before the Thames Police Magistrate, under old acts of Parliament, for " negligently setting fire to a house" : the extreme penalty is 1001., or imprisonment for eighteen months. Ryan was soon liberated, as he was considered to be under the control of Burridge. The two men were engaged in covering a workshop with canvass and pitch. Burridge put a large iron pot full of pitch upon the kitchen-fire, and left it untended; it boiled over, and a great flame arose ; Burridge ran to remove the pot, and called a person to aid him ; but the pot was so heavy, and the flames so fierce, that they upset the pot : then the flames spread so rapidly that the people about the place had to run for their lives. The Magistrate fined Burridge 101., but allowed him two months to pay ; if he do not pay, he is to be imprisoned two months. A lad has been killed at the Blackwell terminus, in attempting to leave a carriage before the train had stopped : he fell, and the carriages passed over him.