1 MAY 1959, Page 34



1 The seaside photographer has to be pretty smart (6) 4 As the ivy on the inn sign might say (8) 10 Glued in? That's gratifying (7) 11 His call might be for soft silk (7) 12 Descriptive of Shakespeare's schoolboy? (10) 13 Light? Extremely (4) 15 Just the sheds for gardeners who want a rest (4-3) 17 Seem in a state of confusion, horticulturally (7) 19 Appearance of a conservative opponent (7)

21 Give us arose; it's exciting (7) 23 Found in floral garlands at the seaside (4) 24 Jack Sprat's emergency rations? (5, 5)

27 'Sordid, unfeeling, reprobate, de- graded, Spiritless —1' (Canning) (7) 28 This should warm up the bed! (7) 29 He's concerned with outgoings (8) 30 'Now — that those whom you called fathers did beget you' (Shakespeare) (6) DOWN 1 Call it sin, nevertheless it's very bright! (9) 2 Also it's odd for the Scot to be found in the republic (7) 3 A vital pile organised as relief (10) 5 Country that has a craze about secret code (9) 6 The language of the mountains (4) 7 Stable fashions in evening dress (7) 8 That answer of Meredith's needs a bit orspring-cleaning! (5) 9 'For a — is an intellectual thing,' said Blake (4) 14 The shape a pencil Should be in? Just what it's not! (10) '

A first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of a book token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened on May 12. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1,042, 99 Gower St., London, WCI.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on May 15

16 This sort of paper can become explosive (9)

18 'Let me be no — for a state But keep a farm' (Shakespeare) (9) 20 Advance of the reactionaries all the way (5, 2)

22 A dream changed him (7) 23 Change of abode (5) 25 What a pity it's a girl (4) 26 Silvia was evidently a blonde (4)

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