1 MAY 1909, Page 15


[TO TEE EDITOR or TIDO " SPECTATOR."] feel sure that the following letter which I have received from a member of the Spectator Experimental Com- pany will interest your readers.—I am, Sir, &c.,


"DEAR hope you will excuse me for taking the liberty of writing to you; but as you said that you would always be pleased to hear from the men of the Spectator Company, I thought I would write to let you know that I rim getting on quite well in the regiment I am in. I have been doing my best to get on since I enlisted, and by taking notice of what you used to tell as and learnt us in the Spectator Company I was promoted to corporal last November. I have had to work hard for my promotion, as I am in one of the fluest cavalry regiments in the Army; but now I have started I intend to work and do my best for further promotion. I hope you are quite well, Sir, as I am pleased to say that I have had the best of health since I have been in India, considering the climate. I see you have had a lot of snow in England lately. It is different out hero. It is very hot at present, but I am expecting to go up to the hills on furlomgh, where it is not quite so warm Sir, I must tell you that since I have been in India I have met two or three more men of the S.E.C. at different places I have been, and they all seem to be getting on well in the Army, and we all say that we shall never forget the six months' training that we had under you at Hounslow which has helped us so much since we have been in the Regular Army. Well, Sir, I think I have said all. Hoping this will find you in the best of health.—I am, Sir, yours faith-