1 MAY 1841, Page 11



The depression in the rates of the Foreign Exchanges, to which we alluded last week as a cause of alarm to the capitalists, still continues; and on Tues- day last bills upon Paris and Holland were negotiated from to per cent. lower than the previous Friday ; and as the transactions of this afternoon do not make any improvement, we have to record a fall to the full extent noted above in the rates upon those two places. The decline in the exchange upon Hamburg has not been so great, not having exceeded per cent. It is gene- rally believed that the Bank Directors will, in consequence of this state of things, soon be compelled to adopt measures for restricting the circulation and making money scarce. The Money-market has consequently been heavy during the whole week ; the price of Stock generally being to from A to j per cent. below our last quotations. Consols for Account, which had been as low as 901, had rallied in the course of yesterday to 90k; when a large sale, made, it was reported, in anticipation of the defeat and consequent resigna- tion of the Ministry, depressed the price to 90; though there were buyers at that quotation at the close of the business. This morning the market opened heavily, but soon rallied ; and Consols for Money, which had been done at 89k, have since been quoted 90k, while for the Account the price has improved from 90 to 90A. This improvement has been pro- duced by reports of the favourable nature of the financial statement to be made by the 'Chancellor of the Exchequer tonight, (of which, as the statement itself will appear with these remarks, it is needless to take any notice,) in con- junction with the certainty- that the Ministry will not at present resign. The other English Funds have fluctuated much in the same proportion as Consols, but there have not been any transactions in them requiring notice. Money has become more in demand, and the premium upon Exchequer Bills has declined to 12s. Bank Stock has been quoted today at 169, being a decline of 3if per cent since Saturday last, when it was done at 172k: this depression has not been produced by any extensive sale, but is referable to the persuasion to which we have before alluded, that the profits of this establishment will suffer a curtailment by the reduction of the amount of bank-notes in circulation, to which the Directors will soon he forced by the fall of the exchanges. India Stock has also declined 2 per cent.: from 253* it has fallen to 2531. By the recent arrival of the British Queen, a statement has been received of the present actual condition of the United States Bank, by which it appears, that after making allowance for bad debts, &e. the available assets of the Bank amount to 14,820,000 dollars, or about 3,000,000/. sterling, and that the loss by the mismanagement of the last four years has been nearly 4,000,000/. sterling. It is proposed to continue the business with a capital of 14,000,000 dollars, or 40 dollars per share-81. sterling. The loss to shareholders has been about 60 dollars per share, or 60 per cent. The Shares, which before the disasters of the Bank commenced, were bold at 261., have since been as low as 4/. 10s., and for the last two months have ranged from 5/. to 5/ 10/., improved about IL When this report became public ; and from 5L, at which price bargains were done on Tuesday, were yesterday at 61.; but today they are offered at Si. 10s. The report from which the statements given above is taken, is remarkable as ex_posing a system of plunder, fraud, and downright swindling on the part of the officers of the Bank, which we believe to be unparalleled in the history of public bodies ; and the publication of which must operate very prejudicially upon American credit both individual and national The business of the Foreign Market has been very unimportant : all the cur- rent varieties of Stork are, however, heavy, in consequence of the decline of the English Funds. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, have been done at 52A, being a decline of per cent, from the highest prices of last week. The other Dividend-paying European Stocks are also lower. A. trifling impulse was given to Portuguese Bonds by the last arrival from Lisbon, which brought intelligence that Lord HOWARD DE WALDEN, acting upon instructions from home, was urgently pressing the claims of the English Bondholders upon the Portuguese Goverement, with a view to obtain an amelioration of the terms proposed for the conversion of the existing Bonds. The Regency Five per C-ents, consequently improved to 34-1„ and the Three per Cents. to 20i; but they have since given way A per cent. The transactions in the newly-converted Stock have been but few ; it has, however, been today quoted at 29i. Spanish Active Stock has been heavy, and has fallen about k per cent., having been done today as low as 23A ; hut it has since slightly improved : at the close of business there were buyers at 23i. The South American Stocks have remained without material variation, as have the Mexican ; the latter are, however, heavier than last week

The business of the Railway Share-market has been chiefly confined to the

Shares of the Brighton line, which have improved to dia. It is understood that this improvement has been occasioned by the fact of the Company having succeeded in borrowing all the money they require to raise on debenture, thus securing the early completion of the line; one of the large Assurance Compa• nies having yesterday lent the balance of the amount required-20,000l.


The usual monthly statement of the quarterly average of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England has made its appearance; and as com- pared with the last publication, it exhibits an increase in the amount of the Circulation to the extent of 50,000L, in that of the Deposits of 13,000L, and that of Bullion to the extent of 299,000L, while the Securities have been diminished by 246,000/. The present amount of bullion in store, viz. 4,638,000L, is larger than it has been for the last two years, or since May 1839, when it had reached 5,119,000!.: since that period the quan- tity gradually declined till the 17th October in that year, when it had fallen as low as 2,525,000/. An increase then began, and continued till 18th August 1840, when the amount was 4,560,0001.; from that point the amount continued to diminish till 8th December 1840, when it had fallen as low as 3,511,0001.: it has since been gradually increasing till it has reached the present sum. In the ordinary course of events, the let May is kept as a holy:day at the Stock Exchange; but that establishment was not closed today, in consequence of the Chancellor of the Exchequer having selected yesterday evening for the production of his Budget. There was con- sequently a numerous attendance of members this morning before the usual hour for the commencement of business, and there was an evident disposition to purchase Stock. Cotisols for Account, which had closed yesterday at 90A, opened at 90k, at which price 5,000/ were purchased ; but the sellers soon pre- dominated, and the market has consequently given way to 90k, at which price there are at this moment sellers. The anticipations of a busy day have not been realized; for, with the exception of a little excitement at the first opening of the market, the transactions have been few and unimportant. The premium upon Exchequer Bills is the same, vii. 12s. to 14s. The Foreign Funds are gene- rally at ,yesterday's prices, and we believe that up to this moment not a-single bargain has occurred in any of them, with exception of Spanish Stock, which has been sold * below the closing prices of yesterday.

3 per Cent. Consols 891 90

Ditto for Account 9i) 4 3 per Ceut. Reduced e9 l 9

St per Cent. Ditto 974 4 New .i4 per Cents 981 Bank Stock 169 70 Exchequer Bills ..... 12 14 pal Judlaluck 2335

Brazilian 5 per Coats 69 70

Britian Spur Coins ..ar. div telt 24

Columbian 6 per Cents Danish d per Cents

Ditch 24 per Cents

Mexicali 5 per Cents. Cousd

Ponuguese Regency 5 per Cts Ditto New 5 per Cents.18S1

Ditto s per Ceuta

Russian a per Cents .....

Spanish (Active) 2'4 3

774 81 524 4 291 30 34 4 294 204 4 1121 134 231 1


The business of the afternoon has been quite unimportant, and the closing prices of both the English and Foreign Funds are the same as in the morning. The commercial changes proposed last night by the Chancellor of the Exche- quer have been much discussed, and the general opinion appears to be that the Ministry will not be able to carry one of them through Parliament as at pre- sent constituted ; an immediate dissolution is therefore anticipated.